Losing weight and getting really fit is like getting out of debt and becoming really rich. You need to make steady progress and keep consistent!
When people win the lottery they often piss away the money and end up going back into debt shortly after. When people go on a restrictive diet they lose the weight fast but then gain even more weight back shortly after!
To achieve lasting wealth and the sustainably beautiful body of your dreams, you need to ease off the gas, slow down and keep consistent. Nobody cares how fast you can make progress if you're just going to burn out and end up back in the chase pack.
3 Tips for Success (Don't skip #3!)
1) Set long term fitness goals.
Set specific goals for the next 5 years. Ink it, don't just think it! Actually write them down on paper... How much do you want to weigh? What kind of food will you be eating? How fast do you want to be able to do 500 squats?
In the same way successful businesses will set 20-30 year financial goals, you need to make your success YOUR BUSINESS and THINK LONG TERM with your health & fitness goals.
2) Make it a habit.
"First we form habits, then they form us." Whatever you can turn into a habit becomes effortless. Habits do not require willpower, and you do them automatically. Create helpful habits like waking up at 6am, doing your 100 Squats A Day, making a morning smoothie, eating raw, plant based meals throughout the day, and getting to bed by 8pm and soon you'll be doing them all without even thinking about it! You'll wake up alert and fresh at 6am, be inspired to workout and eat clean during the day, and you'll find yourself getting tired around 7:30pm automatically.
3) Act the part.
Your self image will ALWAYS determine your results. That's worth reading again: Your self image will determine the results you get in life. The "sloppy" person makes a mess without fail while the "organized" person stays neat and tidy no matter where they are. The "healthy" person can stay fit and trim effortlessly while the "fat" person can never seem to lose a pound. Why is this? This is due to the persons self image! The way you see yourself is the way you act. So label yourself the way you want to be!
Create your own identity and then act the part. Act, dress, think, and eat like your ideal self would. Talk to yourself in the way your ideal self would talk to themselves, and always keep your focus on your long term goals... which you first have to set! So go back and read #1.
Now, who's ready to do their 100 Squats and eat their 30 ripe bananas?
Thanks Ted. Or in my case just move to a tropical country makes life much easier.
LOVE this! Just what I needed to read today. :)
Love this! Thinking long term is the way to go. I set goals for myself, but usually don't think years into my future. I'll definitley be writing down my goals on paper and sticking them somewhere visible so I can remind myself every day why I changed to a HCRV lifestyle!
Thank you for taking the time to write and share this! Number three is always the hardest for me; however, through your recent encouragement (one of the youtube videos that you shared), I have found a new sense of confidence and excitement!
I can't remember the exact name of the video, but you encouraged writing out and scripting EXACTLY what one desires in his/her life. I've been doing it every morning, and since I have started... I have manifested new opportunities for teaching yoga, abundance in generously gifted produce, inspiration and profound, new sources of motivation!
This morning, I have an audition for an additional teaching position. While I've been struggling with my nerves, this post was EXACTLY what I needed to read :). Instead of focusing on a feeling, I am instead setting my focus on what I desire for the highest form of my ideal self.
Thank you~
"Ink it, just don't think it!'. Great line!
love it! thanks so much for this
Hi can anybody please give me the link to the very informative table of optimal foods to eat? I found the link somewhere in this bounty of information, the table described foods ranging from cruciferous veg to legumes to non-sweet and sweet fruit and more giving examples of each type and digestibility. This table helped me so much and I'd be so grateful for your help!
I suggest adding a fourth tip. Recently I posted "Calories don't matter on 80/10/10"? and after reading all the replys and posting replies my mind started buzzing. I haven't been very honest. I was using the term "Transitioning to Raw Vegan" which were weasel words that translated into I am not following the program 100% or even 70%. I totally believe that long time 80/10/10 followers know it works and that us whiners complaining that we are not seeing results or saying "my situation is different" are not following the program. So after doing some heavy soul searching I committed I to go HCLF one day at a time. Since I made that pledge I lost 7 pounds which I had gained.
Therefore I propose you consider the fourth tip to be either "Be Honest with Yourself" or "Commit To HCLF one day at a time. You will know it works for me if you see me at Woodstock next year. If not I am just another wannabe blowing smoke.