30 BAD on ios $2.99???

Why is the 30 BAD app $2.99 in the app store? Really that's not cool! Harley I thought you were not trying to sell people stuff and all that good stuff??? Does anyone have the app? Maybe post a review, is it worth the 3 bucks?

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  • GTFO.. do you think programmers work for free??

  • its a fair price for such valuable,sane,healthful,fun info   

    i do not work for free   does anyone?

  • Charging what the market will bear is perfectly "cool," Weston.

    I've never hear Harls say selling is taboo.  A person is entitled to reap the benefits of their hard work.  It's up to you whether you deem the product/service worth the investment.

    If not, there are hundreds of other blogs, comments, videos, etc that Harley has generously created and offered to any and all for free. 

  • I have the app installed on my iPad. What it does is basically give you quick access to the 30BaD Latest Activity feed, Freelea's and DR's latest videos and blog posts on their respective websites - nothing you couldn't get from browsing 30BaD and Freelea's and DR's websites in your iPhone's/iPad's browser. However, with the app, you have it all in one place for easier access. Whether that's worth $2.99 is a matter of opinion. It certainly isn't an app I couldn't live without.

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