
  • no "freak" here! when a girl needs bananas, she needs bananas! nuff said, lol! :)
  • Jessica, Wow, thats a lot of Bananas ! I ate 60+ fig off a tree today. Yummy. well, I am off to bed It's 12.43am here.
  • I just have one question and forgive me if it's been asked before because I'm dashing out and don't have time to read the whole thread, but HOW???? :-)
  • I am getting amazed also by being able to put more than 5 kgs of food in a day in my body! Even after almost 3 years on 811, it still impresses me!
  • did you eat them whole or blended? i know i eat more blended.
  • Cappi ate 7 bananas today!
    We are getting really nice ones at the mo, no chemicals and not gas ripened. We get them from Caboolture market, from the grower ♥
    • hahaaha good point!

      My best friend came to a raw 811 talk I went to a few months ago, and the other day she asked me in a concerned voice basically if I follow natural hygiene, like "do you not wipe your butt n stuff" and I assured her I still do. But since, I have checked, and I still wipe (habit?) but I've noticed nothing on the toilet paper after. Amazing!
      ahh poo talk lol
    • oooh sounds good!
      I want to get my hands on some different varieties- not that im not enjoying my organic cavendish :)
  • woo we need to make our own vid
  • Yup. narna island- greens n bananas. Cos lettuce n celery.
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