It would depend on when you're having them? It could be part not eating enough, part stress, part advertising/environmental factors. I know for me personally the only time I've actually craved alcohol is that I've actually walked into a bar to see music or meet friends, been there for a few hours and wanted to get a drink to because I was surrounded by people drinking. Same thing for smoking.
That's this most likely reason. If so, get thyself into the kitch and power down some carbs!
Other possibilities are that you've been living so well recently, your body is comfortable to detox some past episodes. This can manifest as cravings.
Also analyze how you're feeling--is it the drink itself you're desiring, or perhaps the social atmosphere that went along with it? Look for a better way to achieve some relational interaction, like hanging out with some folks from our site or local fitness groups.
Along those lines, one way to banish the cravings monster after you've simply felt it for a time, is to distract yourself. Exercise is ideal. Go for a run, put on some tunes and dance around the room, anything to break a sweat and get breathing hard.
It would depend on when you're having them? It could be part not eating enough, part stress, part advertising/environmental factors. I know for me personally the only time I've actually craved alcohol is that I've actually walked into a bar to see music or meet friends, been there for a few hours and wanted to get a drink to because I was surrounded by people drinking. Same thing for smoking.
close your eyes and imagine yourself after having had a drink or two. what would you be doing? how you be acting? how would you be feeling?
can you be that way now? if not, why?
That's this most likely reason. If so, get thyself into the kitch and power down some carbs!
Other possibilities are that you've been living so well recently, your body is comfortable to detox some past episodes. This can manifest as cravings.
Also analyze how you're feeling--is it the drink itself you're desiring, or perhaps the social atmosphere that went along with it? Look for a better way to achieve some relational interaction, like hanging out with some folks from our site or local fitness groups.
Along those lines, one way to banish the cravings monster after you've simply felt it for a time, is to distract yourself. Exercise is ideal. Go for a run, put on some tunes and dance around the room, anything to break a sweat and get breathing hard.