i think this is very true, freelea.. i try my best to pay thanks for each piece of fruit or vegetation i consume or pass on to others but i do not remember to do it nearly enough.. i am constantly thankful for my continuing enlightenment to the way that was destined for all of us.. i am grateful for all of the beautiful creatures in this world that deserve to live in such a better way of coexistence and could serve as great examples to humans if we just opened our eyes and expanded our perspectives.. i am grateful for all of the natural beauty in this world that i uncover on a daily basis.. i am thankful for all of the individuals, such as those on this forum, that have been turned on to such a more positive way of life and do their part in showing others how to live better
I was recently staying at an Ashram in British Columbia. Each night, the community meets in the 'Temple of Light' to sings songs. For those who are unfamiliar with the words to the various songs, they hand out a little booklet to follow along -- mentioning the page number of the song before begining. As is customary, many of the songs are very simple, having but a few words repeated over and over and over.
They announced, "next we will be singing 'Thank you' on pg 23 (or whatever pg number it was). And so i turned to the page and there were only two words to this song; you can probably guess, the words were 'Thank you'. And we began to sing, accompanied by the harmonium, hand drums, and guitar -- repeating these two words over and over.
I was taken aback immediately by the simplicity and beauty of the song. I couldn't help but to smile.
"THANK YOU!" - again and again. -- How true it is -- gratitude is the best of medicines.
And i admit; I am a sinner - for too often i live from a place of ingratitude, consumed by my own melodrama. In fact, as we rightly consider 'gratitude' as a subjective experience which exists on a contiuum of depth - I surmise that I hardly know what 'gratitude' is at all, that i only know it in a very superficial and limited sense.
And after begging for alms all day, Francis of Assisi placed the scraps of bread that he had gathered on a rock, there in the countryside -- unable to contain himself, weeping before the Lord for His/Her boundless compassion and the 'feast' before him...
to health,
Danny Seltzer > Danny SeltzerJanuary 21, 2009 at 3:53pm
First and foremost
Let us aspire to aspire.
With swift and steady hands,
let us each add kindling to the fire.
It is our duty and privledge,
to tend this tender flame -
protecting it with cupped hands,
seeing to it
it burns
My roommate and I tell each other every morning at least one thing we are grateful for and at least one thing we love about each other...so I dig this kind of thing.
Here's my gratefuls...
my bicycle
the sun
warm blankets
fuzzy socks
fresh air
my longboard
my garden
There's much more...but that is all I have time for now.:)
Wow ! This is awesome everyone!! Thankyou so much for taking the time.....you will be rewarded for your effort.....good karma coming your way on this day x
At least I have bananas, if nothing else, bananas.
Power eagle stunning photos and love your gratitude list :-)
each consequence of my actions of choice
Nice Neety, good one for me to remain grateful for thankyou
They announced, "next we will be singing 'Thank you' on pg 23 (or whatever pg number it was). And so i turned to the page and there were only two words to this song; you can probably guess, the words were 'Thank you'. And we began to sing, accompanied by the harmonium, hand drums, and guitar -- repeating these two words over and over.
I was taken aback immediately by the simplicity and beauty of the song. I couldn't help but to smile.
"THANK YOU!" - again and again. -- How true it is -- gratitude is the best of medicines.
And i admit; I am a sinner - for too often i live from a place of ingratitude, consumed by my own melodrama. In fact, as we rightly consider 'gratitude' as a subjective experience which exists on a contiuum of depth - I surmise that I hardly know what 'gratitude' is at all, that i only know it in a very superficial and limited sense.
And after begging for alms all day, Francis of Assisi placed the scraps of bread that he had gathered on a rock, there in the countryside -- unable to contain himself, weeping before the Lord for His/Her boundless compassion and the 'feast' before him...
to health,
Let us aspire to aspire.
With swift and steady hands,
let us each add kindling to the fire.
It is our duty and privledge,
to tend this tender flame -
protecting it with cupped hands,
seeing to it
it burns
Here's my gratefuls...
my bicycle
the sun
warm blankets
fuzzy socks
fresh air
my longboard
my garden
There's much more...but that is all I have time for now.:)
God's gift of VEGGIES! Knowledge, critical thinking skills, free will, sunrises, sunsets!
Friends, family!