.... find themselves constantly touching their super soft, baby-bottom skin... in public? Or catching a glimpse of your sunkissed complexion, bright eyes and just flashing a huge smile into the mirror? Staring in awe at the precise balance between bone structure and curvy muscle, thinking: "damn, the human body truly is a masterpiece!" ?
Maybe? Kinda? No? A little bit?
It's not that I consider myself exceptionally good looking or anything, but woah! Lately I just can't help notice how amazing the physical body looks/feels when the interior is in top shape. When all the conditions are right again. Especially when recalling the lifeless, crocodile-skinned, twig-limbed, puffy-eyed days. Throw in the fact that I feel giggly and exuberant for no particular reason- because it is just lovely to be alive- and voilá.
"Nature made beauty paramount with health....you can't beautify a corpse in the making."
Anyone else in Bananaland madly in love with themselves, or am I just vain and insane? :D Do share
This made me laugh so much, I LOVE it
Well the first time I went from the SAD diet to fruit after six days my skin was sooooo soft and smooth. I kept feeling it. And then I felt so good. Must have been from all that crap being out of my body. After doing this cleanse I got a most wonderful runners high when I did my first power walk after the week of strawberries. wow I need to feel that again. TIme to clean out the cobwebs.
Love this positive post. I'm still new to this lifestyle. But, I'm already feeling much more confident and dare I say...beautiful! I'm back in gym and I have more energy and a joyful disposition. I'm excited about this journey and my future!
Hi all, I hope one day I will be like you, but for now I can't look at myself in a mirror.
I'm on HCRV (raw till 6) since 2 months now and I'm breaking out like hell, I don't know if I can continue like this.
I had before few pimples but nothing like this!! I'm feeling so down!!
what is your fat intake on cronometer?
check out these videos...
I Went Vegan and Got ACNE!
it's always less than 8%, I try to keep it at the lowest.
thanks for the share!!
oh good! :) then it may be simple detox but more likely something else you are eating like gluten, most people are sensitive to this. you might try eliminating everything but fruit and tender leafy greens for a few days and then add one cooked thing per day and see how you react.
I don't eat gluten for a while now, like 6 months.
I only eat fruits until 6 and then I will have a cooked dinner, gluten free pasta, quinoa, whole rice and I try to change every night.
I'm starting to wonder if I don't have intolerance to certain kind of fruits. I feel very bloated sometimes. maybe I should go on banana island for some days.
be ware of rice and arsenic:
anything cooked can cause problems, especially if you have pre-existing conditions. of course you can have fruit allergies or maybe the fruit is not truly ripe or you are not using proper food combining.
banana island sounds like a good plan, it many benefits, then you can add one fruit in at a time to see what you are sensitive to and then cooked if you wish.
these days I eat a lot of bananas, I try to do monomeals to avoid mistakes in food combining, and I only eat banana when it's black.
I was fully raw for one month and I've changed for raw till 6 to slow down the detox symptoms because I was about to give up this lifestyle. I have candida issue and my all body is in a state of inflammation thanks to a bad diet for many years... I'm so motivated to continue this lifestyle, I've seen so many other improvements like clear mind, higher energy but now I feel so down I can't even look at myself.