* Blood sugar conditions such as diabetes and candida overgrowth
* Depression/mental disharmony
* Hormonal disturbances
* Weight problems (although focusing on this is not recommended)
* Digestive conditions
* Sinus and mucus problems
* Eating Disorders
& many more…
Things to consider before visiting Banana island (BI) paradise...Is it the right time for this holiday??
* How you are going to eat after BI? – if you go back to unhealthy eating habits, all your old symptoms will return.
* Being stable on a Low fat raw vegan lifestyle before going on mono-fruit island will increase your chances of long term raw success because generally what peeps eat before the island will be what they eat after the island.
* I don’t advise you visit BI just for weightloss reasons because if you go back to your old way of living that caused the weightgain then the fat will return, a sustainable LFRV plan is needed.
* Make sure you always have ripe fruit or else you will get ravenous and eat whatever is closest.
* Ensure you go to nutridiary.com and work out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and aim for this with your favourite fruit.
* Keep your water intake up, make sure your pee is always clear, this will ensure optimal results from your trip to the island.
* Start a challenge with your raw friends, get a group together and support eachother throughout your stay.
* During your trip away educate yourself on basic physiology and make sure you are reading ‘ The 80-10-10 Diet’ because this lifestyle should be the goal for when you come off the island (that’s if you want to continue feeling vital)
* Avoid telling mainstream peeps about your holiday to the island until it’s over, others opinions may affect your determination
* Plan your trip in detail before starting, write a list of your goals for going to BI, this will give your subconscious mind a clear objective goal to work towards, visualise how amazing you are going to feel, see yourself all happy and healthy in your mind’s eye.
* Factor in daily exercise, earn your meal but listen to your body if you need rest, take time out whenever needed.
* Prioritise nude sunbaking, this will speed up elimination and also sooth your soul
Im taking a trip to banana island tomorrow. Whats the maximum amount of time that I should be on the island for or should I just go by how I feel?
Hello, I am heavily interested in this endeavour. I am preparing for it, getting ready and hopefully this can be a complete transition into 811 LFRV instead of LFCV.
However, this site is often linked a lot here for reference and scientific evidence, http://www.rawfoodexplained.com/application-of-food-combining-princ....
They don't have many pro's to this type of thing. I was just doing research on mono-eating and such and this website came up, and I was surprised they were against it because it is often linked here to help explain raw food.
They even state at the end that fasting for a week is better than a mono-diet for 3 weeks.
Is there more insight on this? I would love more confidence that this is a safe thing to do.
Thanks guys for the support and the site!
This is coming from the same person that says "It is not difficult to fall into the trap of the overeating of fruits. They are the most delightful of foods. They are also among the finest and best of foods, if properly used." I wasn't able to find the scientific evidence on the site. When in doubt, follow your heart.
I am so excited!!! Will be blogging on the.. ehm... banana blog. Join me, the more the merrier!!
Cron-o-meter lists small, medium, and large bananas. Do these sizes refer to the standard American bananas? Which would mean that i really should check if the bananas are a smaller or larger variety? Or does 'small' refer to those tasty 'date bananas', and i could just neglect the small differences in the standard American variety and just use 'medium' for all the bananas i eat as a good guess?