So i knew dr Douglas graham opinion on this , that is that grains , beans and nuts are not that good because of phytic acid but on Dr Greger site (nutrition, I just found a topic/study resulting on the fact that phytic acid can help f
or the Prevention of Cancer quote:"Phytic acid (phytate), concentrated in food such as beans, whole grains, and nuts, may help explain lower cancer rates among plant-based populations".
There is video explaining the result of the study .
So what do you think ?
Bro science all around us.
Beans don't past the "run test". Eat a gigantic bowl of beans, pinto, kidney, garbanzo, lentils...whatever. Then immediately try to go for a long fast run. It don't work for me. Pretty much all fruits past that test.
Well, for me, practically no fruits would work if I tried to eat a "gigantic bowl" of them before a fast run. Actually, the only fast run that I could do after doing that is from the kitchen to the bathroom.
Why would you even try to exercise (and intensely) immediately after eating? That's not good on any diet.
I don't see people right before a running race eating a massive amount of food. If anything, a banana or a gel.
Nuts are too high in fat, so I'd say they're better avoided.
Beans and grains are good in my book, though.
The only think that cooking does to protein is to change its molecular structure. Once it gets in your body it will be broken down to aminoacids, and that's what our bodies use. There's no worries about "protein denaturation".
What do you mean with "high amounts of toxicity"? I recommend you to check out Dr. Michael Greger from "". You're not gonna die for eating some boiled rice with broccoli, believe me.
I put a little flax and bean sprout mix in my banana date smoothies. Thanks for the info on the grains and beans, I think I'll stick with the raw, been going strong 3 months on it so far, and not go back to raw till 4 plan.
A very little phytate goes a long ways. Getting a little bit in the nuts and seeds we consume may provide some benefit.
But when we start eating beans and grains as staples, they are high in many antinutrients including purines, oxalate acid, and phytate. These can prevent nutrient absorption such as calcium and iron, and even leach calcium from the body. According to some nutrition and health science professionals, even though on paper it may appear that some beans and grains are high in some nutrient content, what we actually are able to absorb is little to none.
They are also low to no in some essential nutrients like vitamin C.
I believe on RT4, thins like potatoes and sweet potatoes are encouraged, and beans and grains discouraged. While potatoes are also high in these antinutrients, they are also more nutrient dense with other macro and micro nutrients.
Overall though, I concur that eating a high raw diet based on fruits n lettuce n nuts n seeds is our best bet.
Peace, PK
theres more bad than good to grains imo. Fruit always optimal, now glutenfree is a hype but all grains contain gluten, glutenfree is not real.
theres more than just wheatgluten- and gluten crossreactions.
Emergency than maybe yess, but fruit is made for us
I would add, this one "but fruits is expensive and grain is more convenient in the winter because its cheaper" is a lie, banana are as cheap as grain but of course grain is addictive so... If you dont like banananas its probably because you are eating unripe ones, ripe is FULL of brown spot and almost all sugar.