Pre-internet, 1980's or so, there was a huge International "Scandal" when discovered that ALL stainless steel used beef fat or tallow in the catalyst part of production--which caused all sorts of accusations of religious hate crimes against the manufacturers by Kosher Jewish groups.
Followup was that a process was eventually created to do so without the beef fat, but IT HAD TO BE SPECIAL ORDERED.
I cannot find any reference to any of this on the internet, can I get some help? My Question is; does it still have to be special ordered Kosher (which also means Vegan or vegetarian, Hindi and maybe Halal), or has the issue been resolved...manufacturers do not openly disclose their processes, and give sales forces "credible deniability" by keeping them ignorant of things that they wish to keep secret so that they can lie with "innocence"
No information will to me mean that it has died down and no one is aware of the animal deaths that go into stainless production. It may have been resolved that only in Israel is the Stainless Vegan, and perhaps manufactured by a State or Jewish owned plant...
may be you are thinking about tallow being used as a lubricant in the steel rolling industry:
Cold rolling mill lubricants used in cold rolling steel sheets or plates are roughly grouped into those containing, as a base oil, animal or plant oils having the triglyceride structure (e.g., beef tallow, hog fat, palm oil, or coconut oil) and into those containing mineral oils as a base oil.
it still goes on (just as stearic acid is), but as with many things, an effort is being made to use more synthetically produced items (for instance, most taurine is synthetic).
i don't have any idea re: kosher question etc - possibly you can check with a religious source.
in friendship,
While they eat meat, dairy and meat may not be mixed, or even prepared together, even in same pots--ever--even months later.
My interest is the vegan aspects, not the promise to not cook meat in dairy.
This is a topic I know nothing about, and could not find reference to the decades old incident. If reference to the incident was found, then there would be many directions to go for updated info.
Feel free to comment, even if you cannot help with my question...