Yes sorry I know this thread has been put up a few times :) but this time we were hoping for lots & lots of raw before and after pics so we could transfer them to a permanent section on the site. It will be very motivating for newbies and oldbies alike :)
Ok i'll start...
AFTER 2 YEARS 100% Low fat raw vegan:
After 5.5 years on high carb raw vegan (another 12lbs down to 113lbs)
This is a Before and after 80 10 10 I was eating like shit and knew nothing about health! then i found the raw food community and it chaged my life!
Picture on the left was the "as long as it is vegan" diet
Wow passionateraw way to go! You are motivating me.
I hope I don't get kicked off this website for posting this! The first to pictures were taken over a year ago, I was on the low carb paleo diet, I was eating chicken breast, fish, eggs, and whey protein everyday. Also I would eat a little fruit and some steamed veggies and salad with olive oil everyday, I ate no processed foods like soda or bread ect. I also was drinking about 12 cups of coffee everyday, I was running on caffeine. Now the third picture is my on the 80/10/10 for almost a year, I clearly had a better looking body on the paleo diet! Don't get me wrong I don't recommend the paleo diet, it's not right to eat dead animals! I just find it hard to keep any muscle mass on. I feel much better on the 811! No more coffee, I run on carbs now!
The real question is how do you feel today compared to a year ago? Seems like too many people eat a diet for a certain physique, when they should be eating for overall good health, not to mention the ethical reasons.
Don't get me wrong... I want to get ripped too, but I rather look good and feel great, than look great and feel like crap and be sick.
^^^ Thanks Nicki!
Kenny, you're right looks don't really mean anything at the end of the day it's about how you feel. And I feel so much better in everyway, it's not possible to describe!
My conscious is clear, don't have to try to justify eating dead animals, like "I'll eat chicken cause I hate bird s*it on my car.." What sense does that make? I really thought like that. I was mental, it's all that adrenaline from the dead animals, I was a lot more violent and just a mean person in general. We all know about the physical health benefits from eating a vegan/raw vegan diet but the mental part is amazing. I would have never thought it would have changed me so much. It's so not right, these animals don't deserve this kind of treatment! I think everyone knows deep down inside it's wrong but they all justify in there own twisted way. I've also realized you don't get off the hook, you will pay and suffer, cancer, arthritis, pre mature aging, ect. And I don't feel bad for people anymore they get what they deserve, even my own family.
You said this really well, I totally agree.
It's interesting how people will just make up their own logic so they don't feel bad and to try and justify something they know deep down inside is just wrong. You can see this throughout human history.
Kudos to you for making a change.
I think i'm better equiped to make the choice of if I'm going to eat animal products or not.
People like to bury there heads in the sand on what there eating. If you can raise the animal and handle it start to finish and on your dinner plate go for it gobble down I have and if circumstances cause me to have to do it again I'll do what I have to do I suppose. But there is certainly a lot of work involved in that way of eating verses picking some fruit off a tree etc..
I cant help but think if you go back to primitive man is he going to look at a banana tree and a chicken and choose the chicken? The chicken would be so much effort and work pain and misery etc.. when all he has to do is pick a banana and eat it instead. Clearly man is going to take the easy road and grab the banana. Now if man is starved he hasnt seen a fruit tree in a week or anything else for that matter yeah the chicken might look like an ok option.