I've been working two jobs with minimal break time and have unfortunately ended up going long periods without food. Sometimes when I finally get home its very late and I'll be super undercarbed and exhausted, I don't know whether to carb up or go to bed. I worry that eating late will mess with my digestion but then again so does lack of calories. I don't know which is the lesser evil to choose. Any thoughts/experiences appreciated, thank you!
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Thank you all for the very helpful replies! Working on planning better and carbing up earlier this morning so im not playing calorie catch up late at night (:
CTFU. Then force in an early breakfast so you avoid getting in that constantly eating late cycle which is 'ok' but not the vitality producing template we are looking for.
If I am hungry, I cannot sleep. So I eat (even when it's late).
isay eat
If my only choices are eating late or undereating, I eat late.
Hands down better to eat!!!
Work out a schedule that works, plan ahead.
Eli's got a good schedule down: 80/10/10 athlete's dailyroutine - 30 Bananas a Day!
If I end up skipping a meal, I wake up the next morning with super painful hunger pains and it even makes me nauseous. But if it's late and I decide to eat, then I get more energy and can't go to sleep. Both situations are annoying, but personally I prefer to eat at night if I need to. Just something that will digest very quickly though.
Personally, going to bed hungry is not one of my favorite things to do. At the same time, going to bed extremely satiated is also not one of my favorite things to do. Banana smoothies for me digest at a rather extreme rate. I don't think a meal before bed is the best thing for us to do, but going to bed hungry leads to a sluggish next day for me at least. In the end it's all about personal preference. I can eat a 2 lb salad before bed, sleep just fine and not feel too full to the point where it's uncomfortable. Can't say the same about a 15 banana smoothie. Try it out for yourself though, it's really the only way to know what you're options are in the future.
What I did was buy a couple thermos that have a lid that can vacuum seal. I fill them up with rich banana date smoothies before I go out the door for work. I have to consume them faster then I wish (on my 10-15 min breaks), but at least I get calories in me during the day ( early early morning for me)...