I loved the heat as I'm a heat kind of person. I love doing
asanas in a heated environment (whether in or outdoors). However, because
of the carpet there was a smell that resembled wet dogs and cats...what's this all about?
The smell at times was unbearable but I'm grateful that I got through it as I did dig the class. Why not wood floors?
So why the carpet that will inevitably get moldy?
Is there a philosophy behind this?
Now, my issue is sharing meat and commercial soap scented air in a closed room with 15 -20 people. At the moment, I am unwilling to accept it, though during the 4 months in the one studio, I just made it into a meditation on acceptance and blessing. But I'm just not willing to compromise any more, so no bikram until a raw vegan class on a carpet-free floor pops up. CAN'T WAIT.
Interesting Jungegirl...will meditate on this one.
Thanks for distinguishing I didn't know there was a difference.
There's got to be a better way though other than carpeting.
No offense but carpeting is so 70's and let's face not optimum.
Gosh I'm just imagining it now....all the sweat encrusted fluffed up goo...
Carpet in any situation is nay a good thing. The amount of "stuff" it collects..and there is no way of properly cleaning such a thing.
I say one massive yoga mat covering the entire room. That way, no need for individual mats and no worries about slipping off your mat n crashing to oblivion.....although theres still the problem of how to squeeze the sweat from it. Hmm....conundrum.
Just a good cleansing at the end of each class or the end of the day would work.
With the room being hot it would definitely dry in no time.