Hay that is a big happy news bomb that will push a lot of people into this lifestyle. Sadly, most Americans are under the delusion that we are carnivores like lions, tigers and wolves or omnivores like bears or badgers, which is an unscientific joke. Scientifically we are by nature frugivorous animals more like a gorilla, monkey or ape (see ref). Our main diet should be raw fruit and vegetables that's why the opposing thumb for grasping not killing. We can eat meat but over the years if we eat too much meat we suffer from the diseases of our genetic weaknesses and die long before our time is due. Just look around you, you see it everywhere in your family, friends and in the public the sick people are in the majority .
The way Americans eat reminds me of when I was a little boy on our farm in Iowa. We had a horse and one time I saw it eating baby chicks that just happened to get a little to close to its feed. It was of course just a fluke but probably if you put a feed bag of baby chicks under the horse’s nose every day it would eat them because they were there. But it would not be long before the horse was fat and bloated with indigestion, headache’s, depression, autoimmune diseases and arthritis stumbling around the farm passing gas everywhere it went like 95% of the American public. The horse would live only half of its life time and die of cancer or a massive coronary somewhere out on the pasture.
The human body is completely rebuilt over a seven year period that is every organ and most of your brain; I believe that is Harvard Medical School. So you are in a sense a 24 hour 7 days a week construction project. This project has a genetic blue print of you that it works from constantly. The only thing that is holding you back from perfection are the materials you are bringing into your body. Ingesting fast junk foods, lots of meat, cooked foods and medicine is like trying to build a house using weak cement, rusty nails and rotten worm eaten wood. Your physical house will look like the genetic prints you are working from but it will be weak and will fall apart quickly. Start the next seven years using the best materials you can get. Make yourself a smoothie every morning out of fresh fruit and gradually make each meal at least 70% raw produce and watch what happens.
So the moral of my story is don’t eat something just because you can. And if you have been eating this way take a look at how you are doing health wise like President Clinton has done. Are you falling apart like a house that is being built with the wrong material or a horse that is eating baby chicks just because they are there? It is really your choice but at least you know that if things are not going so well for you, this is the reason. Paul
Dr Alan Walker and his associates, anthropologists at John Hopkins University, using the most modern electronic microscopic equipment,state: "Preliminary studies of fossil teeth have led to the startling suggestion that our early human ancestors (Australopithecus) were not predominantly meat-eaters or even eaters of seeds, shoots, leaves or grasses, nor were they omnivorous. Instead they appear to have subsisted chiefly on a diet of fruit. Every tooth examined from the hominids of the 12 million year period leading up to Homo Erectus appeared to be that of a fruit-eater." - NY Times, May 1979
Fresh Fruit Fil > Dr. Paul Blake, N.D.December 18, 2010 at 10:44pm
I have to comment here, I am in California at the moment. I just spent 4 days in LA with my 4 year old son, two of which were in Disneyland. Man I am blown away by how FAT everyone is here - it does appear as though there is a health crisis here. I thought it was getting bad in Queensland, Australia but this is off the show! We have to do something about this! BTW Dr Paul, like your blog above.
Thanks GreenSmoothieWarrior I appreciate your observations on the USA, it is what so many need to hear who are asleep. And thanks for the appreciation of my blog it just pours out as the motivation is as high as the situation is low.
I think it's great that he talked about people healing themselves by switching to a plant based diet.
Other than that. Mr. Clinton is not what he appears. None of them are. They all know about the food and we can guarantee they only eat organic fresh foods. It would actually surprise me if they ate bad due to the fact they know even more than we do about how poisonous most of the so called food is. I'm also convinced the higher up's are fully aware of our frugivorous nature and I bet they eat a lot of fruit.
really good to hear, I was young during his presidency so I didn't follow it much, but nowadays I think he is a pretty rad guy...in fact, I watched an interview he gave(can't remember which one) and I really appreciated his honesty.
The way Americans eat reminds me of when I was a little boy on our farm in Iowa. We had a horse and one time I saw it eating baby chicks that just happened to get a little to close to its feed. It was of course just a fluke but probably if you put a feed bag of baby chicks under the horse’s nose every day it would eat them because they were there. But it would not be long before the horse was fat and bloated with indigestion, headache’s, depression, autoimmune diseases and arthritis stumbling around the farm passing gas everywhere it went like 95% of the American public. The horse would live only half of its life time and die of cancer or a massive coronary somewhere out on the pasture.
The human body is completely rebuilt over a seven year period that is every organ and most of your brain; I believe that is Harvard Medical School. So you are in a sense a 24 hour 7 days a week construction project. This project has a genetic blue print of you that it works from constantly. The only thing that is holding you back from perfection are the materials you are bringing into your body. Ingesting fast junk foods, lots of meat, cooked foods and medicine is like trying to build a house using weak cement, rusty nails and rotten worm eaten wood. Your physical house will look like the genetic prints you are working from but it will be weak and will fall apart quickly. Start the next seven years using the best materials you can get. Make yourself a smoothie every morning out of fresh fruit and gradually make each meal at least 70% raw produce and watch what happens.
So the moral of my story is don’t eat something just because you can. And if you have been eating this way take a look at how you are doing health wise like President Clinton has done. Are you falling apart like a house that is being built with the wrong material or a horse that is eating baby chicks just because they are there? It is really your choice but at least you know that if things are not going so well for you, this is the reason. Paul
Dr Alan Walker and his associates, anthropologists at John Hopkins University, using the most modern electronic microscopic equipment,state: "Preliminary studies of fossil teeth have led to the startling suggestion that our early human ancestors (Australopithecus) were not predominantly meat-eaters or even eaters of seeds, shoots, leaves or grasses, nor were they omnivorous. Instead they appear to have subsisted chiefly on a diet of fruit. Every tooth examined from the hominids of the 12 million year period leading up to Homo Erectus appeared to be that of a fruit-eater." - NY Times, May 1979
I have to comment here, I am in California at the moment. I just spent 4 days in LA with my 4 year old son, two of which were in Disneyland. Man I am blown away by how FAT everyone is here - it does appear as though there is a health crisis here. I thought it was getting bad in Queensland, Australia but this is off the show! We have to do something about this! BTW Dr Paul, like your blog above.
Thanks GreenSmoothieWarrior I appreciate your observations on the USA, it is what so many need to hear who are asleep. And thanks for the appreciation of my blog it just pours out as the motivation is as high as the situation is low.
Thanks Again
Doc Paul
of mcdonald's French fries 3 times a day?
Wow, this guy really is slick...
or something?
Other than that. Mr. Clinton is not what he appears. None of them are. They all know about the food and we can guarantee they only eat organic fresh foods. It would actually surprise me if they ate bad due to the fact they know even more than we do about how poisonous most of the so called food is. I'm also convinced the higher up's are fully aware of our frugivorous nature and I bet they eat a lot of fruit.
But Bill doesn't really look like much of a fruit eater does he?