For some reason I have bloating that won't go away :(:( I'm not quite sure if it's melon belly or bloating but let me put it this way… if i turn to the side.. it looks like I'm 5 months pregnant… I am eating a lot and I'm two weeks in…. help :x.
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I just have to say THANK YOU for your advice on drinking a liter of water in the morning and waiting ~hour before eating! I started doing this, this week and it has worked VERY WELL for me! I can't believe how flat my tummy is! I seriously thought I was going through a tremendous "weight gain" phase.
Look at yourself in the mirror only after waking up?
Hi, I can advise you to do exactly what I told another memeber, based on personal experience I have found it very good to keep my meal times the same everyday. RELIGIOUSLY. So If your having 4 meals then ALWAYS have them at the same time ( regiment your snack times too ). It REALLY reduces bloating. You will only feel hungry at meal times. REALLY speeds digestion. And its good for the belly too because it knows when the next meal is coming and if it wants , it can take a wee break till the next truck load of veggies are in :o)
my body adjusts in like 2 days. its only when I switch back and forth between raw and cooked that I have problems, which is always since there is no good produce up here. and by that I mean quality counts too, having a ripe delicious banana is fine, but if you try to eat the ripe musty weird bananas we get up here youll get a stomach ache lol.
When did you start the (raw?) vegan lifestyle?
Thanks for posting this... I have the same issue and these tips are enlightening!
Hi there it will go away I had the worst gas & bloating ever I just kept packing in the carbs now my tummy is flat now. It will start to turn around for you although I know that sweet potato's & me don't agree and still get bloated when I eat those .So it could be that its the melon or your still new to eating this way just pack in those fruit veg & high carb foods eventually it will go away! It took over a month for my stomach to stop bubbling.Eventually you will wake up go to the bathroom & I mean go you will be cleaned right out & feel great for the rest of your day.
SAME HERE!!! Wow thank you, yeah hopefully this goes away soon :/ I cant even sit at a desk without getting pains ALL DAY... esp while I'm driving. -_-
Thank you for the replies guys! Now I know why I am bloating too, drinking too much water after a meal. When should you drink water? and how long should you wait to eat?
ideally drink your quart of water 20-30 minutes before a meal.
and if you must drink after let it be at least an hour! but don't jug a gallon afterwards lol!