So I've always had a small chest even when I had a belly before starting my healing fruitarian journey. I was told that they can grow again if I heal my hormone problems. I think I was also stunted in my height. I'm 5' and have always been shorter than both of my parents. I also became disabled at a younger age than my mom did. My disabilities have healed a lot over the past 8 months. I was told I could grow taller when my endocrine issues heal. Does anyone know if that is true? I just want to feel like an attractive healthy woman. I was abused a lot growing up so am trying to be more confident as well. This diet has helped me have more confidence. I have one person irl who is supportive of me on this journey and even became fruitarian as well. I'd like to have more fruitarian friends if you're interested. 🥰
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Hello there! I am looking for more Fruitarian friends as well. Not sure about growing taller with your endocrine issues healing, depends how old you are, though girls normally stop growing by 15 years old. I'm 5'1'' and it does not bother me really, so embrace it :) It is great you have managed to heal your disabilities, that's incredible.
Personally This diet has helped me have more confidence.