Just want to make sure of this...Bread counts as cooked carbs, right? Like for the 1 cooked carb meal a day? Personally, I like whole wheat bread. I eat 2 potato, lettuce, & tomato sandwiches a day. I was just wondering if this still falls within the Raw til 4 recommended diet.

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  • I would not count it as your one cooked carb meal a day, you would have to eat a lot of bread for that to count.  But as you list it, eaten with 2 potatoes and lettuce and tomatoes, if it's fat free or very low fat then it seems fairly harmless if you are in relatively good health.  I would count it as a condiment. ;)  I know Dr. Fuhrman says a little ezekiel bread is fine but to remember that it takes the place of more nutritious foods so limit your intake. 

  • I think bread is fine on occasion, but I don't know if I'd suggest it for a major staple in your diet.  It does contain quite a bit of salt and other additives.  If you want to eat a lot of bread I'd suggest making your own so you can actually choose the ingredients in it.  Store bought corn tortillas are usually a better option imo because they usually don't have any added salt or oil.  To be honest though store bought bread is still fairly healthy and way better than the majority of processed food.  But if your goal is weight loss you'll want to cut down sodium to 500-1000mg a day and have little to oil.

  • I don't know if it falls within the Raw till 4 recommendations. That shouldn't be relevant. If you want to eat bread then by all means eat bread. Sure it cooked carbs, highly processed though. All bread is unhealthy IMO. Even the better ones like Ezekiel. Stick with whole foods if possible. Bread doesn't digest well, it takes a long time to pass through the body. Also dehydrates the body more so then other whole food sources of carbohydrates.
    • Thanks! You've given me something to think about.

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