I just ate several apples from a friend's apple tree. The last one I ate had worm in it. In hindsight I realized some of the others had some weird brown spots in them too; anyway, I think I may have eaten some of the worms.
Also, I've noticed in my recent batch of dates that many of them have larvae. At first I wasn't really checking carefully but after I saw one with larvae I started checking. But, it's likely that I ate some infested ones anyway.
This concerns me because I keep hearing about people with parasites and how this can destroy their health.
Should I be concerned about this? Should I go get tested... should we all go get tested?
I know many natropath's say we probably should because supposedly everybody has them but I'm sure they just want our money, so I'm not sure what to make of this.
I've eaten so many little bugs this summer, it's crazy! they like to live in my fridge too and share my lettuce ( organic, from my garden, I don't wash it).
It doesn't bother me at all. As jacob said, would primates even think about the bugs? nope:)
I do not intentionally eat the bugs, but I do like to see bugs around the fruit. If the bugs are willing to eat it, then it must be good:)))
I am scared of those things that the even the bugs will not touch...
Peace, PK
larvas and worms in apples are not the same as parasites or intestinal worms.
Parasites are mostly spread due to our unhealthy treatment of feces... there is a good book about toilet composting which also deals nicely with parasites...
you should be happy and hope that the nutrients in the insects did you good, which I bet they did!
That's the book and that's the title, anyway, great read.