Don't forget to rinse or brush after drinking, kids ..... leaving cane juice on your teeth can cause issues ..... thats why I prefer palm juice ..... widely available in Indo ..... sorta halfway betweeen a coconut and the cane juice ..... you can tap a number of different palms ..... including coconut but its not the best ..... 1 tree will release up to 5 litres of sap per day .....
I get sugar cane juice in l.a sometimes, it is organic and the shop claims that is 50 cals in 1 litre, but she also said its not as sweet as other places so it may be higher cals elsewhere.
Fruitnut 5150 > Cherry BombJanuary 7, 2011 at 9:02pm
Hopefully it's fresh and not pasteurized.
Cherry Bomb > Fruitnut 5150January 8, 2011 at 7:48pm
haha yes its fresh, the lady who owns it was telling me that the cane they grow just isnt as sweet as some other more tropical places i guess. I was really bummed when i found out how little calories it had though ;(