Climate change - no one cares

This year's discussion in Copenhagen sounds almost like people are on denial... and some outright lunatics.I felt the heaviness in my chest as I read the reports coming in:Leading scientists like James Hansen say the maximum safe upper level for the concentration of CO2 particles in air is 350 parts per million. We're currently at 387. According to a study recently cited in Time magazine, we could ban automobiles and the internal combustion engine and abolish all industrial production, worldwide, and it would still take at least 900 years for CO2 levels to drop back below the 350 ppm tipping point.or:Catastrophe no longer looms. Catastrophe is upon us. For example, the polar ice cap is doomed. Summer ice will vanish entirely within 20 years; winter ice will be gone by 2085. Nothing can be done to stop it. It doesn't matter whether the U.S. and other countries reduce CO2 gas production by 30, 50 or 80 percent. The Amazon rainforest feeds the Amazon River, which by some accounts produces 20 percent of the world's fresh water; it has begin its death spiral. South Asian monsoons are shorter and arriving later. The American southwest will become a Dust Bowl.I can see why some people actually choose just not to care anymore... why bother?Sorry for the gloomy rant, I feel sad... I choose to.

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  • I read this amazing book by the eminent scientist Rachel Carson. She wrote about the sea.This is what she wrote in the chapter entitled 'The global thermostat'.
    from, 'The Sea Around Us'.

    So, day by day and season by season, the ocean dominates the world's climate. Can it also be an agent in bringing about the long-period swings of climatic change that we know have occurred throughout the long history of the earth-the alternating periods of heat and cold, of drought and flood? There is a fascinating theory that it can. This theory links events in the deep, hidden places of the ocean with the cyclic changes of climate and their effects on human history. It was developed by the distinguished Swedish oceanographer, Otto Petterssen...Petterssen realised another fact of extreme significance-that those centuries of great tides had been a period of 'startling and unusual occurences' in the world of nature. Polar ice blocked much of the North Atlantic. The coasts of the North Sea and Baltic were laid waste by violent storm floods. The winters were of 'unexampled severity' and in consequence of the climactic rigors political and economic catastrophes occurred all over the populated regions of the earth. Could there be a connection between these events and those moving mountains of unseen water? Could the deep tides affect the lives of men ...From this germ of an idea, Petterssen's ertile mind evolved a theory of climatic variation, which he set forth in 1912 in an extraordinarily interesting document called Climatic Variations in Historic and Prehistoric Time. Marshalling scientific, historic, and literary evidence, he showed that there are alternating periods ofmild and severe climates which correspond to the long period cycles of the oceanic tides. The world's most recent period of maximum tides, and most rigorous climate, occurred about 1433, its effects being felt, however for several centuries before and after that year. The minimum tidal effect prevailed about A.D. 550 and it will occur again about the year 2400...Now in our own lifetime we are witnessing a startling alteration of climate, and it is intriguing to apply Otto Petterssen's ideas as a possible explanation. It is now established beyond question that a definite change in the arctic climate set in about 1900, that it became astonishingly marked about 1930, and that it is now spreading into sub-arctic and temperate regions. The frigid top of the world is very clearly warming up...(and finally, I could have kept writing but I just wanted you to grasp the general gist)We have therefore begun to move into a period of warmer, milder weather. There will be fluctuations, as earth and sun and moon move through space and the tidal power waxes and wanes. But the long trend is towards a warmer earth;the pendulum is swinging.

    This book was written in 1950.
  • I'm just unsure what to believe. Either way, I think I'll play it safe and encourage local, organic, vegan, fruity fare; fewer cars, less trash, etc regardless of climategate, nazis, rising temperatures or death spirals...
    • I hope the theory of man made global warming is not the only reason you went 811rv. Because there are som many greater (and by that I mean actually existing) benefits on both you and the environment.
      • I came to 811rv for my health, animal's health, and world health...they are all interconnected :)
        • Yep. I like the feeling of being on the same side as nature. It's like you can't loose ;)
  • I think Climategate was something that has been going on for a long time, its political, lefty propaganda so they can give out new green nazi rules
    • Suvine you might find this interesting.

      A friend of mine sent me this.

      She has been following this for some time.

      • Exactly, looks like the Climate Nazis are formulating a new "Green Code" to tax and control the *believers* in the upcoming Utopian New Order. Don't form an opinion until you get educated - Al Gore is not a credible spokesman. These people are - why have thousands of respected scientists been silenced? likening them to "Holocaust Deniers" in the pay of Big Oil? listen and see if they are deserving of these malicious slanders:

  • Thanks dudes and dudettes! Ah, that animation was weird, but drove the point in well.

    And I just watched a video clip of Obama answering a highschool kid about vegan choices...and Obama admitting to enjoy barbeque steaks, he is not going to lie, and he actually did say, that a change in diet of Americans would help the whole world... well he said that before he got elected.
    • Yes, that is a great lecture, highlighting some of the real facts. So many seem to draw a line in the sand: either you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming, or you support big oil and planet destruction. I really don't it's so black and white.
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