So I used to be a very avid coffee drinker but I've cut back a lot to only one or two coffees a day max, often going the whole day without one. Besides the obvious addictive properties of caffeine, what are some good reasons to cut it out all together?
Much appreciation!
Thank you ednshell, that is a great article.
coffee is also very dehydrating, see the huge list of problems associated with coffee in the video above.
caffeine is a neurotoxin and makes you emotionally nuts, if you want to take it, take it in pill form so you are clear about what and why you are taking it. and replace coffee with chai tea or mint tea or your morning smoothie
I can vou
For years I used to have just 1 cup of coffee in the morning until I realized how messed up my adrenals have become thanks to it, I haven't had any coffee for more than a year and I don't miss it at all.
Drugs vs strangely cooked beans and sugar. The processed food is still food, not drugs.
One tiny cup of coffee gives me a full blown migraine. That says something to me, but if you want to drink coffee and it's ok for you go ahead and drink.
I love coffee, I've quit for 6 months then gone back, then quit, back and forth for years. I'm come to accept I drink one small cup of black coffee every morning. I'm only human, not perfect. People like DR and Freelee make it out to be the worst thing ever, they eat tons of processed junk food. So what's really worse? Clif bars>soy protein isolate.... That's one thing that doesn't belong in my body. The point is I recognize is not good in excess, I used to drink 6-8 all day long, that's abuse. But just having one small cup a day seems okay to me. I don't eat any processed/refined foods WHATSOEVER, IMO that junk food is worse then one cup of coffee. But who really knows? This is just my opinion.
Thanks for your input! I don't like coffee black :/ I've gone a while with just coffee and non-dairy milk but I went back to having to sweeten it. It's probably the sweetness I enjoy more than the coffee itself. Probably a hint that I need to eat more fruit
Ya got me. Okay, well, wait, Freelee was just talking about this on one of her recent videos- she said it messes with your metabolism pretty badly. I was off coffee for seven years and have been drinking it a little in the last month or so. I can see how it makes me not hungry, which, in a calorie-restrictive world, I'm sure was part of the reason I drank it in the first place. I don't want to eat for hours and hours after I drink coffee. Also, being healthy on raw or raw till 4, the idea is that you don't need the extra stimulation- your diet and health should be such that you have plenty of energy. It's also addictive. Hope this helps. :)