
  • Def going to try this! :) 

  • You are funny ; )
  • huh, that sounds interesting
  • 55-60? What kind of dates do you have? I've found these lovely juicy dates in my local market, but they're tiny, like 16 Cals each! I'd have to eat about 150 of them to meet my needs.
    • I was wondering about this too.  I think I was consuming 50 at a time like twice a day!  I'm not sure what kind I was eating, but I do know they aren't medjools because those are bigger and more expensive.  Hopefully we get a response!
  • How many dates come in the 15 lbs box roughly??
  • except that you can get drier or wetter dates which would totally make the calories/lb or once off....
  • Thanks Paulina! I know Itakeskus pretty well and its on the way to my Aunt who lives in Vuosaari :)

    May I also ask where you get most of your other fruit from?

  • Whereabouts is that one Paulina? Just for future reference....
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