Lots of people said 'No way David Wolfe would try and sue you man! Your having us on! David Wolfe is a non judgemental spiritual guru that is above any criticisms. He would accept your actions as a freedom of speech..' LMAO.
Well David Wolfe shows his true colours in this letter I got today from his LA lawyers. Dress like a guru and sue like monsanto. All David Wolfe will get from me is a training programme, pair of old joggers and a few boxes of bananas to help melt that superfood gut of his. I dont hate DW even though he is repeatedly trying to sue my ass and bankrupt me. I don't take it personally. Im merely sharing my comments and criticisms and will continue to do so as an individuals right to freedom of speech.
Feel free to share it around the net and express your right to freedom of speech. Be careful though! David Wolfe might get his legal henchmen on to you too! ;)
I agree Harley. Come on man. It's not fair to stop sales and point out hypocrisies. It's just really not loving and peaceful at all bro.
I knew Monarch was weird.. couldn't quite put my finger on why. Antler extract? When I first saw that on their website, I thought I must be crazy/or seeing things.
For them it is a business. They probably started out wanting/needing to eat cleaner foods and figured out it took up a lot of their time and money and said 'hey.. Why work when you can rant about muscle protein or elk extract and then sell it!'
They carried on a selfish pattern - I just think they're lazy and want to make money off their diet that started with pouring all this time in for themselves - for their own benefit.
You're right - too many people make money off the people making money. In other words, if the dairy industry is corrupt... 'Hey why don't we tell people not to eat dairy...... But to consume this colostrum instead or cacao or fairy flower extract...' -instead of spreading knowledge, which is time consuming but not particularly profitable..
This does take advantage of those in weak and vulnerable positions! Taking money from those who are sick, hurting and suffering with diseases other conditions. This is characteristic actually of narcissistic behavior.
'I'm a savior...' When no, actually 'I'm in it for myself and am going to make you feel weak and dependant on me and jump on your weakness like a lion waiting in the brush.'
It's very two-faced and this is why, imo, we find these people talking about 'helping people' one minute and about happiness and peace and then the next minute they're being vitriolic, siccing their lawyers on people, going off on narcissistic tirades and ripping you a new one. Two-faced.
We don't seem to ever know the personality of people like that. Or at least they hide their real personality.
You're right, Harley, .. They do need fruit and a fresh perspective.
Matt Monarch and Angela stokes sell meat on their website in the form of gelatin. Those 2 would rip the wings off butterflies if there was a market for it. That couple is as fake as you get.
very bad precioussss give us fishes raw and wwwwwriggling..... keep nasty fruits.... doesn't make us money precious. no. doesn't make us money.
Dude, I have a LOT of experience in legal matters especially being on the receiving end, right up to the supreme court, (in fact I've never used lawyers to attack anyone). Of course, I'm no lawyer, and this is only anecdotal but the immediate impression I get from this letter based on my considerable experience is that it's a weak, insipid empty threat with no legal basis whatsoever sent by someone who has a big ego and thinks lawyers means power. What it does do is expose this lost soul as a coward who is reaching. I think you're having even more impact than you or anybody else realises and it's because of your critical thinking and your plain speaking adherence to the truth that is connecting with people and tearing down the shrouds of wuwu trash and obfuscation that benefits those who profit from this industry. It's amazing what lawfirms will do sending out bogus letters they should know better not to do so, in this case, the victim is Mr. Wolf (hehe that sounds funny...) because his lawfirm is charging him for a letter that is really useless. I feel sorry for him after looking at this photo you posted because he looks like a delusional soul who actually believes that deceit and conning and threats will get him somewhere in this universe.
I'm sure you know everything you do is freedom of the press freedom of speech and you can use someone's name to comment on them especially a public figure who is making health claims / public statements.
little pig little pig let me in...
Then I'll huff and I'll puff!......
You can put up that video on youtube under a different account name. Basically you can put up anything non porn, graphic etc and it will stay up. If anyone wants it down they have to spend a lot of time messing around contacting youtube but then if it gets taken down, you put it up again a few hours later.
Moral of the story, its FAR easier to put something up than take it down.