Do you eat mango skins?

I found that some varieties of mangoes have a thick leathery and unpalatable skin, while others, like some I've been buying lately have a thin skin that I can eat easily. The mangoes that I'm eating are big, like a pound or so and very sweet. Is it okay to eat the skins?

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  • Well I used to eat the mango skin with no problem, however I now have allergic reactions to them.  I literally broke out in a rash on my lips where the how perimeter of my mouth/lips got cracked and layered with like a burn and like dried bleeding cracks.  I look like a freak for about a week and now it is getting better but still not great.  I also broke out into a rash on my abdomen and forearms from it.  The rash is still there at the mango skins a week ago.  Since then I have been peeling the mangoes and it seems to be better because I am not having more breakouts just still trying to clear up this one. 

    After having a bad reaction I realized that it had happened before when eating or just biting into the mango skin but it was milder and I thought it was just an adjustment I was going through and I had dry/cracked lips.

    But a guess should have been that before it got to the cracked/dried/bleeding clown look phase it started off with a slight rash feeling on my lips and itching.  Like this rough texture of tiny little bumps. 

    After this I was like what the heck I never had problems with mango skin before so I looked it up and yeah you can develop the allergy over time because the more you do it the more your body is like stop eating this thing that I don't agree with.  And so often the reactions are slight and get more severe each time you do it.  And that is exactly what happened to me.

  • if you want to but if you do, make sure that the mango does not have any sap residue on it because it is a very irritating allergen.

  • I never eat the skins and dont recommend it.  

    In the  past, a few of our members who have eaten the skins might break out in a rash around the mouth.

    Primates too seem to prefer the soft tissues of fruits and discard the skins.

    Here is a cute capuchin monkey eating a mango and it appears to be biting and sucking the fruit flesh off of the skin:

    Peace, PK

  • This topic came up just recently:

  • I've found a direct relationship between organic and taste of the skins
  • she cray cray crayfishy :) mangoyonoskinyo~skin

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