For some reason its important for me to be physically fit and perform good deeds. I don't want to get stuck working for some evil mega corporation just to make ends meet.

       I find it difficult to achieve these goals because it takes a lot of willpower to be physically fit, I've developed some bad habits over the years, and I feel like I'm no fun to hang out with. My friends are like lets play video games all night long like we used to. I'm like no, I want to be healthy. 

    To top it off, that's what I feel like doing, playing video games all night long. Yet, I know I got in my situation from doing just that. I have to change if I want to achieve my goals.

    I find it hard to perform good deeds in the world, because I am constantly just trying to keep up. When I get downtime I really have to battle myself not to just play video games for 12 hours + a day. Between my work and battling myself, I rarely have the willpower nor energy for much else.

     On some level I just want to grab four dozen non-vegan donuts and watch television and play video games all day long. Some may call this lazy, but I call it truthful, since the desire is present whether or not I follow my whim. 

     Dang it, how do the rest of the 30bananasaday members resist just eating non-vegan doughnuts and loafing around all day? Sounds silly, but its really tempting.

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  • 1) You can get Vegan donuts. Have you watched From Farm to Fridge on Youtube? If you are craving high fat foods then you need to be eating more calories daily from low fat high carb plant foods.

    2) If you truly do not want to live the life you once lived, sell your TV, gaming console ETC.

    3)If you want to do it, Just do it

    4) Get new friends if you are serious about this

    5) It doesn't take much willpower to be fit. You just need your sleep, water, sugar on point

    6) Stop talking about it and get to it! You sound like you think too much.

  • Get into cycling and or running. You'll find it's far better than any video game you could ever play. I was a hardcore and competitive gamer in the past. Nowadays they are just boring to me compared to real life. I like them sometimes but after a short while I get bored from them quick.

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