I've really been wanting to watch Earthlings, haven't seen it yet. I am already vegan so I don't really NEED to watch it for motivation or anything, I am more just curious and wanting to be informed. However, I'm really pregnant (7 months) and a vegan friend of mine told me NOT TO WATCH IT while I'm pregnant because the distress and emotional crushing it would cause would be bad for the baby...Maybe this is a stupid question but is that true?
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Ya, do not do anything that would upset you during pregnancy. Alternatively I would highly recommend you read this book and watch this video. The book explains how the way we give birth has profound and lasting effects on women and how we behave for the rest of our lives and how it effects society. The film is incredibly empowering and enlightening, every man woman and child should see it, very uplifting too! Both will make you a better person, better vegan and better mother for having read/watched them.
Ya, do not do anything that would upset you during pregnancy. Alternatively I would highly recommend you read this book and watch this video. The book explains how the way we give birth has profound and lasting effects on women and how we behave for the rest of our lives and how it effects society. The film is incredibly empowering and enlightening, every man woman and child should see it, very uplifting too! Both will make you a better person, better vegan and better mother for having read/watched them.