Study showed that egg yolks are almost as bad for atherosclerosis as smoking.
What we have shown is that with aging, plaque builds up gradually in the arteries of Canadians, and egg yolks make it build up faster -- about two-thirds as much as smoking. In the long haul, egg yolks are not okay for most Canadians.
Carotid total plaque area (TPA) increases linearly with age. ► TPA increases exponentially with smoking pack-years. ► TPA increases exponentially with egg-yolk years. ► The effect size of egg yolks appears to be approximately 2/3 that of smoking. ► Probably egg yolks should be avoided by persons at risk of vascular disease.
So eggs are good for you, definitely not.
here's more on eggs:
Egg cholesterol in the diet
Cardiology experts warn that eating even a single egg a day may exceed the safe upper limit for cholesterol intake.
in friendship,
Ah yes, I told my husband about this when i heard about it on the news (since he still eats eggs). He said, "no way" and thinks I'm crazy! :) But the study said something about - for people over 40 and since he's not over 40 yet, maybe he's okay! haha He's also not Canadian. :)