This is starting to irk me. It was my day off, and an employee gave away a dozen or so Wendy's cheeseburgers at my workplace. I don't like it. Everyone knows that healthy fast food options are limited. Cheeseburgers are one of the most unhealthy foods.
Several people are morbidly obese at my workplace. This is immoral to fed these people such food. I'm not sure why I am so upset about this. Any ideas?
It is difficult enough to overcome purchasing fast food, but when its bought for you and shoved in your face, well that's just not fair. Telling about my area, people don't seem to value their health. How do I fight such a culture?
It is up to the individual what he/she puts in their mouths. No one can make you eat a cheeseburger. I would have to be literally starving before I would stick something like that in my mouth. I guess though, that one would have to value their health and care about the one body they have to live in, in order to say no to the free food. Carb up and it will smell disgusting to you :D
I know at least one of the morbidly obese people and that person cares very much about his/her weight. Personally, it took years for me to condition myself not to eat cheeseburgers. Now doughnuts is another issue.
I think it has to do with childhood memories. As a treat my friend's parents would buy fast food and I loved the food. I associate the food with good times. I also have trouble with what I considered healthy when I was growing up was incorrectly labeled, and thus unhealthy.
I was taught the food pyramid, so a cheeseburger, hoagies, or pizza would be considered really healthy because of all the food groups included. I was also taught that all animal products came from Old McDonald's farm. I used to sing that song often, one of my favorite songs. The meat industry performed a through job of brainwashing me before I was 18.
Mostly with me the information is so huge, I'm having trouble making the mental adjustment. I just can't believe on some level that I was fooled that hardcore. Not only me, but trusted people in my life too.
It's not immoral to feed those morbidly obese people those foods, the process of creating those foods is immoral and not to some morbidly obese people, they brought that onto themselves by being immoral pieces of S.
I like how you never mince words ;)
You have a very healty lifestyle compared to them. But you should not care about them and about the burgers.
If you feel like it is not fair that they are shoving burgers infront of you then you are doing something wrong. You must surpress this feeling and care about your health and just don't give a damn about them ;)
There is wisdom in your words. I often find myself getting furious at others. Yet, this seems to expend energy and do no good. Energy that I could direct towards improving my life.