So...this might be silly of a question...but when I cycle home after only an hour hike...I drink my water, but I really have no appetite..I just prefer to go to bed on a light tummy..and eat like a queen in the morning...does this deteriorate performance/ results...will this cause my stomach to produce/hold onto fat?
I eat the recommended amount of 2500-3000 calories per day still..and feeling great so far..but just want to know in night situations like this...normally I would be up and early..but its my form of commute for everything. Any advanced cyclists if you could help me out with advice/experience!??!?
I am not a 'racer'...just do it leisurely/ method of commute for now at least....but at a good pace non-stop ( will know my speed once I get a tracker...but I always manage to pass everyone and no one has yet to pass me...I know silly again doesn't give an idea since those biking might just be super undercarbed people...) anyways...just wanted to know the whole food/sleep/cycle situation!
lots of love! xx
( SORRY THIS ISNT FULLY RAW BUT THE ONLY FITNESS CATEGORY I SAW!!! I follow most raw days..some cooked ( 2 times a week for now)