Hey Folks, been raw till 4 for the past 6 months but for the past month i've been incorporating more cooked foods (economic issues; i'm a highschool student).
I gained roughly 10-14 pounds from the detox (i was 146 pounds now i'm around 158 pounds. i'm 5 4") mostly due to water etc. and i'm not too worried about it. I was just wondering if i would be safe to drop my fat content to around 5 grams and drop my sodium to around 250 mg.
I am looking to get rid of some bloating and speed up the results.
I am not calorie restricting whatsoever (around 2000-2500 cooked food. i eat more if i am eating mostly raw) i don't think that a low fat content would damage my metabolism.
Also, i have started a workout routine.
mostly calistethics (compound strenght exercises:squats, push ups, dips, wall sits etc.)
and interval sprinting 1 min/walking 2 mins
i try to exercise most days a week.
let me know if you have got good resutls after dropping your fat and sodium super low
Sodium should be super low. The sodium found in fruit is enough. Have you even seen an orangutan add salt to his/her fruit?
I'm not sure about the fat tho. Some days when I eat a lot of dates my fat ratio is around 1.7 % and I see no difference compared to the days were my fat ratio is around 10 %. Experiment, otherwise you'll never know! As long as you're a vegan it's all good! ;)