825km for the first week in jan 09. jan is typically my biggest month of the year, but looking at my program i reckon feb might break over 4000km..we will see. im aiming for the australian 24hr xc solo championship. and the south australian 24hr xc solo championship.
its the time of year i do lots of long slow riding to build endurance, fat metabolism, circulatory efficiency, on bike comfort and emotional tools to deal with highway mental demons that usually say gday in the first 2 hours and 2 hours of a 10hour plus ride.
i did 338km on new years day. i used to get smashed on drugs, now i get smashed on the bike and wake up feeling smashing..
its funny when crew say 'oh your on a zero carb diet then?' and im like 'IM EATING OVER 90% OF MY CALORIES FROM CARBS!..lol! fruit sweet fruits!
most people are ignorant to how fruit has carbs or how much you need to eat to go the distance...i like to be a living example to those looking for vegan inspiration..
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To me, this is the best part of the whole thing. Going from killing yourself and feeling miserable, to enjoying life and feeling great. Wonderful, beautiful thing.
Grace and Peace be multiplied to you.
felt good to get the first win for the year. i just rode smart and followed the lines of the more experienced technical riders and on the last lap i attacked em on this little headwind section and put enough time gap once we hit the bmx track and i rode like an 'agro vegan' so nobody passed me and rode across the line.
my training is coming along. the new powertap hub provides me with accurate wattage data and its great to train against.
click on shop.
steep hills force the burn. and the more we burn, the more we learn. i reckon they need to do a study on riding, running or walking up steep hills and emotional wellbeing. cos for me, if i dont get enough gradients, i dont feel as alive..
did 130km today. hard up each hill. 2hour recovery spin tommorrow.
lets do hills that are so steep, we weep.
lets feel that lactic acid seep.
listen to our heart rate monitor go beep, beep, beep..
then to rub it in more, i rode back to town. cars with bikes atop drove past me for the whole 3 hours it took me to ride the back.
so yeah, i was happy with the days contribution...lol! nobody passed me and i passed thousands. i use my vegan ego to make the world more eco.. ;)
i ate approx 70g of carbs per hour, and in the form of organic sultanas. today was around a 10000 calories output day, and i only consumed around 4000..so i just dipped hard into my minimal fat reserves...mmm, i will have to start eating some avocado to put on some more fat stores at this rate..lol!
so yeah, training is going sweet! the bamboo bike getting a lot of public and media attention. its great for veganism.
everyone wants to see how fast vegan boy can go on his bamboo bike..lol! and we have heaps of interstate riders that dont wanna be beaten by a vegan dude riding a bamboo tank..lol!
checkers hill is so steep that i saw a few guys pushing cervelo r3's, pinarello princes and a titanium baum up it, today! and i did 2 efforts up it. same crew ask me 'so where you get your protein from?''er um, guys, you just walked up the hill that i sprinted up..
Umm... Harls, you gotta translate this one too LOL