just wanted to calm you all down.
I hadn't gone to a dentist in more than 3 years, and during the last ~4.5 years (especially in the last few years) I've been eating A LOT of fruit, including citrus (like oranges) and dried fruit (like dates and dried figs).
I've always had bad teeth and always had cavities ever since I was a little kid.
Well, let me tell you that after all these years eating so much fruit and carbs I should have all my teeth rotten, but after checking my teeth with my dentist she only found one small cavity. That's it. One small cavity.
I think the main mistake people make when following a high fruit diet is that they neglect their oral hygiene and think that "since they're eating such a healthy and natural diet, they don't need to pay attention to their teeth anymore". That's a terrible mistake.
Keep brushing your teeth, keep rinsing your mouth with water after eating fruit (especially acidic and dried fruit), keep flossing and you'll be fine.
The one BIG mistake when doing this lifestyle was to kinda neglect dental health and only use water to brush. It has taken its toll on my teeth. Now I'm using some bicarb soda + salt + xylitol. Yes, I realise some of the stuff isn't ideal but it's not worth ruining your teeth.
One thing I might add is to get enough calories of nutrient dense foods. Being deficient can cause oral problems from the inside out.
Peace, PK
What do you think of using baking soda when brushing (as toothpaste)?
What do you use in the way of toothpaste?