Hi fruity's and sparklers!

I am new to the community and would love to make some fruitful-friends! Having come from a high-fat raw-vegan diet, I am familiar with the Raw Food scene. It is my first week as an 811rv and am feeling massive improvements already. It is my desire to lead this lifestyle all the way. Any support, guidance, fruity fun and laughs or words of wisdom for a newbie to 811rv is welcomed and appreciated.

Look forward to connecting and sharing! :-)

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  • Hey fruit fairy! I'm in the same boat - I have been attempting the transition to HCRV 811 but like you struggling with the transition from high - fat RV which seems so easy and accessible when you're caught out at the shops or looking for a quick something to eat.

    Would also love to hear any tips on maintaining high carb RV diet - I get that abundance is key but it's certainly a struggle changing my mind set to accept that eating THAT many carbs in a day is OK. 

    I also struggle with certain symptoms of IBS which makes it difficult. Brown rice makes me bloated and I haven't eaten pasta in months and months. 

    Share the love XX

    • Hi Brydie! Nice to meet you :-)

      This is great we can share our journey's from hf-rv to lf-rv811, there will be so much we can learn from sharing our own experiences along the way and from much more experienced fruitheads of 30BaD.

      A thought of mine is that I think it's important to remind ourselves, we are on the right path.. no matter the time or slips and falls it might take. For me, this is a lifetime commitment, so although the importance of not upsetting/abusing my body in anyway that I already know better is high, the importance of taking the transition at the pace that works for me and my life and loving myself along the way is just as high.

      I am quickly learning, that whenever I feel a desire for 'other' foods, I instantly re-direct my attention to eating MORE fruit and the desire, disappears. I am increasing my intake as I go along, I started with a banana smoothie of 3bananas which would fill me and now I am comfortably doing 5, I expect my capacity to retain large volumes at one sitting to increase, however for now I eat more fruit in-between meals, spacing out the quantities.

      Fairy hugs n love :))) x

  • welcome to the family!!! you should have a pretty easy transition then.. just less nuts haha. you will love how great you feel !!!

    • Thanks Katie!! It's nice to b here. Yes all is going pretty smooth so far, not too much drastic change having already removed so much from my diet becoming hf-rv. I'm looking forward to seeing more results as I progress along. :-)

      Are you following 811rv?

      • im mostly raw till 4 but it depends some days im all raw so im like both mixed together haha

        • lol that's awesome :)))

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