I am Just concern about my teeth at the moment because i feel them thinner and sensible, i Just rince them after eating acid fruits and wasch them 2 times a day With a tooth past without fluor, is it enough ?
Is there a chance ou reminelizing them ?
Another worry concern Durianrider teeth , i remember before having crowns his teeth were quite in bad conditions but i thought there had always been like that it was linked to his past history or That he was born with not great teeth but i just watched an old vidéo from him and his teeth look very good at that time so i start beeing worry that this diet is not that great for teeth ?
Thanks if you have better info than me.
I'm about 5 months in & my teeth have no issues. I brush & floss in the morning & at night. I did go through a period for a couple of months where my teeth were feeling really gritty & nasty, like after you eat Skittles & don't brush your teeth for awhile (that sugary film), but once I (1) got used to the amount of sugar intake daily, and (2) switched from predominately smoothies to mostly solid, whole fruits, it got a lot better.
I do carry a toothbrush kit with me if I need to use it, especially at work.