How nice it would be if the world was one big fruit forest... Lets all put our heads together to think of ideas and initiate some action!
I'm lucky that around my city there are quite a lot of wild mango trees that I can forage from in season, but I think if I started going around planting more and different varieties of trees here and there they would just be ripped out by council workers... So I thought maybe it would be a possibility, for example, to approach local/national environmental conservation groups (eg. Landcare Australia). If we could convince some big organisations to plant fruit bearing natives in some places that would be a start. Has anyone tried this before? Or planted trees around their community?
To inspire the community to plant trees in their own back yards is another big one. There should be community 'city farms' in every city where people can go to learn about permaculture and how they can grow their own food. Does anyone have a program like this in their city?
What are your ideas? How can we can spread our fruity love all over the world?
Here's an other great project
Guerrilla grafters :
Yeah, I think I'm going to start and just see what happens :)
This is awesome!! Thanks Mike! Seriously had no idea this kind of thing was happening already! I just found these guys on 30BAD too.. it looks like a really great idea!
Thats so great! Sounds like you're really doing ur bit for your community (if they realise it or not) :) And thats right, living by example and talking to people about the benefits of this lifestyle is no doubt the best way to influence the people around you. Keep spreading the word! :)
Where do you live?
I want to forage mangoes too!
So badly it hurts. They're my favorite fruit!
Cairns, Australia. I know! Mangoes are the best :) I'm so grateful.. I just moved back after years of living away, and coming back as a now HCRV I realise how much I took it for granted growing up in such a paradise! Where do you live Corrtney?
There is no need to limit the fruit trees to natives. Planting a wide variety of fruit trees will add to biodiversity especially in urban areas.
There are no fruits that are Australian natives that grown on any significant scale. Macadamia nuts native to Australia are grown commercially on a large scale and exported.
Yeah thats true, I was thinking of fruit trees that grow in the wild here in the tropics of Australia, but they probably aren't natives. Just in the interest of getting a conservation organisation onboard with the idea..