I have serious concerns about this based on some of the influences I was under when I was high fat raw food. My question is whether or not I have anything to worry about health wise if I were to go under anesthesia, specifically because I am HCRV. If I were to have a C-section, an operation on my foot or my wisdom teeth pulled, as much as I stay away from medicine, except for what I get from my diet, do I have cause for concern that I might be overly sensitive to the normal dose of whatever it is they give you to put you under? I'm not pregnant, btw, but am wondering if that situation ever came up, do I tell the doctors and nurses I am HCRV? what would that even mean to them? Do I need to make sure I say something? Or say nothing? What if I were in a car accident and couldn't tell anyone? Please don't think I am being overly paranoid- I am legitimately concerned and hope ya'll can shed some light on this for me. In a Western Medicine dominated society like the U.S., well, suffice it to say, these things concern me! Thanks!
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before they start they need your height and weight and ask you some other questions to determine the dose of anesthetic.
and normally there's always an anesthetist that monitores you, and ups/lowers the dose of anesthetic, if needed, during surgery. no problem (: but, there's always a risk ... human error ...
I had a vasectomy. Healed up so fast the nurse was shocked. She didnt know what to say over the phone. 'You SURE you have no swelling and bruising?'.
When you're healthy your body can get rid of toxins easier.
(I think thats the first time Ive used your and you're correctly in my life).
Freelee had some wisdom teeth out last year in a country town in Thailand. Uber quick recovery.