Just like Cronometer only better!
Check it out! It allows you to create a profile, join groups, join challenges, and in the settings you can change your target ratios for calories, fat, carbs, protein, sodium, fiber etc.
I just signed up. Add me as a friend if you like. My profile name is SequoiaRunner
Also don't forget to join the High Carb Raw Vegan Group!
Hi Karin, I noticed that as well. One thing you can do though is change your settings so that your sugar limit/carbs/calories etc are all better suited to HCRV.
These misconceptions are all the more reason why we should all go on there are show off some amazing results and change the status quo. Next thing ya know everyone on the site will be eating 10 bananas for breakfast instead of getting congratulated for keeping their breakfast "low sugar"...
Totally not putting down the new site at all, I went to it and just need to figure it out a little more, was only there a minute. Thought this was interesting that they are telling people who say they ate 7 bananas for breakfast that:
"You're past your sugar daily limit. Not only does sugar pack your body with empty calories, but it packs your waistline with fat."
What the?? It sounds so silly to my ears now- I'm thinking clearly, now, and wonder how fruit can make you fat when it has little or no fat in it?? And how come I've lost so much weight in the few months I've been LFRF? :)