I'm h starvation in5-6 monthreally comfused and need help
I Starter the hclf vegan lifestyle about 5 month ago i know not that long the 5-6 month before i suffered from anorexia and lost 30 kg through starvation in 5-6 month i got down to 36 kg Starter AG 66 AG 5'3
Since almost 5 month now i've Been eating calorie abundant first only around 1800 kcal when i was fully raw then more and again LEss and now for like 2 month around 3500-4000 kcal i have gained alot Weight and my classmates i'm in 9th grade already Starter asking me why i gained that much Weight .... Now am At 63 kg again i sometimes feel OK AMD sometimes am really disgusted by myself AMD See myself AS a shame for anorexics. Cause i used to be thin and now look totallly fat
Today i watched one ob chrisgoneraw Videos Werke he talks about overeating dietary thermogenesis amd glycogen srtores etc i dont know if i get bis message cocorrectly dus i ain't english or so but i think that he suggests rating Less for a slimmer body i know durianrider always dass judge by results not by theory but everything Chris says makes so much sense and is backed up with a heck load of science
So should i force myself through it Luke i Jean i'm almost AG MX ppy starting Weight so then my body should be Luke it hadnt lost anything and will lose Weight or should i cut back in the, calories dus i think i could sustain in Luke 2500 or even 2000 but i would n t enjoy this lifestyle very much i think
Currently i am eating lots ob dates berries apples rice veggied s Salas and potatoes another thing is thst my hair has been Fällung out for Quote a while Luke 4 month or so maybe its because my anorexia past so should i eat LEDs cause my body needs all the energy for healing or nmore...? But i guess my body is still healing cause i still dont have my Periode back....
I also think that this lifestyle has kinda gotten me Into a lot if "trouble" thus my psychologist falls my dort and me disgusting and that i'll never get a boyfriend and stuff :/ but i think this lifestyle kinda just shows who really likes me or so....
Sry if this is long but PLZ answer me :)
I think that you lost a lot of muscle from calorie restriction and should focus on squats and light dumbbell workouts.
Go on YouTube and learn different ways to do squats then do 10 squats, then 8, 6, 4, 2 for 30 total.
Do the same thing with a different type of squat; your goal is 90-120 reps total.
Learn dumbbell exercises the same way, but start at 8 then 6, 4, 2 & as you get stronger add sets like 10, 8, 6..., 12, 10, 8, 6..., 14, 12, 10, 8, 6... and so on to a max of 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 = 110.
The weight you will use is 3 to 5 pounds; it won't feel like anything today but tomorrow it will feel like someone chopped off your arms.
Muscle doesn't care if you lift 3 LBS or 30 LBS, it is the last few reps that tear the muscle that cause it to grow.
Heavy weight gets the job done faster but at the risk of injury where as light weight gets the job done slower but builds muscle endurance.
When you eat sugar: your heart rate increases & oxygen is pumped through your body where an oxygen+fat starts a complex chemical reaction that turns stored fat into carbon dioxide. Your body then takes a tiny percentage of the sugars (prob. because it just got done nuking fat) and converts it into glycogen for the muscle tissues that need it and the rest is used for body heat.
An oversimplification, yes, but no more so than saying sugar = fat.
I have a past of eating disorders and I'll tell you what works for me (scaled down for girls):
1. eat a large breakfast, make it about 50% larger than your other meals.
2. if you have at least 2000 calories of fruit then save cooked food for for just before you go to bed.
3. drink lots of water before switching from fruit to cooked food; you want all the fruit out of your stomach.
4. Limit your fat to 34g per day.
5. eat your cooked food plain if you have to but do your best to stay away from salt.
6. do not let your calories fall below 2500, it is critical that you maintain a daily calorie lvl and even bump it up to say 3500 one day out of every week.
After about 4 months your body will start to trust you and your weight shouldn't swing so much.
Thanks for the tips
I already do somd Weight lifting 3 x a Week and a lot of cycling 1-2 h a day
And with the calories i meant that i eat constantly around 3500 but i think i could "restrict" down to 2000
63kg isn't exactly overweight. I'm sure you look much healthier than you did and will continue to look and feel better as you continue to recover.
My mom also told me that but i feel Like i look Luke i die one year ago at66 kg but
Overall i feel much Vetter but it seems Like everyone wants to get me down or so...:/
But i think i 'll stick to the program and just Wait :)
Your body is healing from the anorexia that you made it endure. The weight will come off slowly, don't worry. You will be thin again long term. Focus now on nourishing yourself and not stressing about it. Definitely not permanent.
Hope so but somehow i do not have an alternative though but i think now i can Like only get thinner
But how long do you think it'll take my body to heal another 6 month like. My anorexia time was so my body is sure i do not starke it again?