Hello everybody perbaps the subject has already been discussed but at the moment i am a little confused: my triglycerides are too High and the doctor gave me for advice to reduce my sugar intake because triglycerides are due to too much sugar for my liver to process .
Before being lfrv then on some period rawtil 4, 2 years ago i had no issue with my triglycerides.
Should i restrict my "carbs" ? I must admit lately i might have eaten more than my hunger (enjoying eating whithout restriction but not more than 3500kcal) and the week before my blood test i was mainly rawtil4 . So any advice am i the only one with this issue?
Thanks for your help.
Great minds think alike! lol
It could be a fluke, maybe try retesting?
My guess if triglycerides are high on a fruitarian diet(!), there is not enough exercise.
Consider the biochemistry of fructose processing in the liver. If your glycogen (energy storage) levels are full (no cardio recently), then roughly 50% of fructose gets converted to fat in the liver (which would otherwise become glycogen). Roughly 50% of fruit calories are fructose, so an exercise-free fruitarian 80/10/10 becomes 60/30/10. Add in overt fats and then you are in SAD territory as far as effective carbohydrate and fat intake. But you know, since you're not eating atherosclerotic building blocks like animal protein it doesn't so much matter, but you might be setting yourself up for some asymptomatic insulin insensitivity, which wouldn't hurt unless you give up and switch back to a SAD diet, where you would immediately plunge head-first into type 2 diabetes :D
If I've been sitting on my duff for a couple of days and eat a ton of fruit, I feel just as slow and droopy as if I had a large greasy meal. If I exercise, it is completely the opposite. I guess you could draw a parallel of having a beer and getting sleepy, and having a beer after a hard days work and the same beer is refreshing and energizing. Fructose and ethanol follow very similar metabolic pathways in the liver.
hi wildy,
Assuming your hdl/ldl are ok, don't worry about your tri's. They can fluctuate and not a problem as long as everything else is in order.
one guy's was high after 2 years on HCRV 100% and he consulted with Doug Graham and was told to get more sleep, he did and they went down to normal. when running into any problems make sure first and foremost that you have all the lifestyle factors in order for at least 3 months before looking into other possible problems.
Thank you for your answer, i will go for the sleep :)
Do you think i should insist on more greens and fat because it could also be that my body is missing some fat and that is why my body is trying to convert extra sugar into fat, not sure it work like that...
No it does not work like that, eat 10% or less of your calories from fat, all the professionals that study nutrition agree on this. Dr. Neal Bernard, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Colin Campbell, Dr. John McDougall, and the list goes on and on, educate yourself more, free podcasts here:
This guy is really inspiring too: Dr. Ellsworth Wareham - 98 years old vegan
What are your fat percentages like?
Quite low for several month , for sure less than 10% and often around 5%
Could it mean that i am overeating on carbs ? Am i the only one to have high triglycerides on this lifestyle ? what are your blood test results?