
  • I used to eat like 2.5 pounds of baked russet potatoes then right after eat like 1 pound of dates, no worries!

  • I have no idea what these numbers are based on. In fact, disregard the following forum decoration :)
    • Water, juices: 20-30 minutes.
    • Fruits, veggies, smoothies, soups: 30-45 minutes.
    • Beans, grains, starches: 2-3 hours.
    • Seeds, nuts: 3+ hours.
  • generally two hours but it very much depends on your own digestion and what you eat.  sweet potatoes are easiest to digest, grains are harder.  but if it's desert you're looking for then a bowl of banana ice cream or juice  won't be a big deal for most people after a cooked meal. 

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