Hello!! This is today's shopping...geez, I already feel like a genuine LFRV girl, yay! :D
So, in your opinion, how many days is this fruit supposed to last? not much I guess...I am using cron-o-meter to track my calories, but I still need to visualize the amount of food I need so that I don't feel overwhelmed when I see it in the morning.
I am now on 2000 calories, and I exercise 3 times a week (bike) and do strenght training+yoga 2-3 times a week
Thank you!!
2-3 days! Thank you for your replies :)
Since now I consume around 2000 calories, but I am trying to up my intake, I am going to divide it in 3 parts and try it to eat it asap...it's just that sometimes I don't find the time to be munching all this food. Yesterday I made a huge salad with a kg of mandarines for lunch and it took me one hour to finish it!!...The problem is that I love greens but I don't like smoothies...
with oranges/mandarines/tangelos: I juice them and add the pulp back in, then guzzle down. Easier that way :-) and it's sooooo delicious. My tangelos at the moment don't have much pulp at all and lots of seeds so I skip the pulp and just drink the juice - heavenly :-). Takes about 3 minutes to drink 6 cups :-).
Oh and sometimes I juice my greens if I have problems eating them, i.e. not enough room in my stomach :-)