
  • I remember that I read an article written by Dean Ornish and his wife. The average fat consumption was given as about 30% but I do not know where they got the numbers from.

  • I think there was some mention of this in Dr. Doug's 811 book.  I know that gourmet raw foodist can average upwards of 70% fat, so I'm guessing that a typical SADder would be around 40-50%.

    Try typing into a nutritional calculator what you remember eating in your past life, or what you see others consuming around you.  Could even delegate to some friends to track their intakes for you.  

    • Out of curiosity I typed in a typical day for me when I was eating vegetarian SAD (tons of bread, cheese, eggs, veggie meats, and a handful of veggies here or there). Gross! It looks like I was eating between 40-50% fat, probably more on some days. It's funny to think how, at the time, I believed I was making healthy choices, and was really confused why I couldn't seem to lose weight. 

      • Yep, nothing like hard numbers for a wake up call!

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