
  • I often don't soak mine, but I have a very powerful blender.  Stick blenders like the one you show are usually much less powerful, so you might need to soak, especially with lower quality, less fresh dates.

    To make a less disguising datorade:

    I always visually inspect, and smell each date to make sure I'm not throwing any bad ones in.  If it's got a weird smell, or evidence of bugs, I discard.

    I soak if the dates are on the dry side.  I find it makes a smoother drink.

    I sometimes add some berries like strawberry, blackberry, or raspberry (no blueberies!)  I find datorade insanely sweet, so it's nice to add something tangy in there.  A bit of pineapple is nice too.

    And obviously, get good quality dates, not some dried out, pitted, dipped in glucose things. Many dates, especially pitted dates, are not even raw.  Get raw dates.  Although last time I was in Poland, I definitely couldn't find any good ones, so I empathize with you :)

  • I never soak my medjool dates for datorade...

    Im i doing it wrong? Lol

    • I'm pretty sure you only need to soak them if they're dry. And, if I'm not mistaken, it helps it digest even better. I don't usually soak mine.

    • I didn't soak mine either, wondering the same thing, but it tasted okay to me LOL

  • I used to strain my datorades when I first started, so that the foam and candy chunks were not there. 

    Khdawri dates are the only ones for me, you might try those.  As others have said, try adding some berries or bananas or another good combo fruit with them.

  • I'd love to know this, too. Every time I make datorade it makes me feel sick because the dates taste funny blended. I use deglet noor; is it better with medjool?

    • Yup, I always eat the deglet noors whole. If I want to blend them, I use medjool, and it comes out heavenly.
  • Add strawberries. :)

  • I would prefer a date parade to datorade but right now I got only those dried dates so I will try my best to make it edible. Maybe I just have to get used to the taste

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