just a quick few words about myself. I am a HCLF vegan who really wants to help his family and especially his Mother that constantly falls in the "fitness promoter" crap trap where she hurts her morality, wallet and especially health. I've always wanted to have a lap report of document in which it scientifically proves that excess intake of carbohydrates leads to minimal increase of fat or the intake or just animal products turn to fat.
Any support or shared links are greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
PS. Just Carb the Fuck Up!
Another fundamental point in this is fiber. Our bodies do not work right without high levels of fiber. Fiber is a magic substance. In fact, I have a new mantra, if food doesn't have fiber in it it's not meant for consumption (guess what, animal products and processed foods have almost no to no fiber in them, while fruits and vegetables are LOADED with fiber).
Don't have a collection of links yet, sorry. But good research topic.
The Starch Solution is a great book to convince people we are meant to eat carbs. I got it for my parents a year ago and within a month they were both eating high carb vegan. They then gave the book to my sister and her fiance and now they are eating high carb vegan. It explains it in a common sense way and doesn't revolve around "wu wu" theories and restriction.
There are many online sources of this information you can access through a simple Google search.
My personal favorite article on why carbs are essential for feeling good: