Warning signs of trolls/how to spot a troll on 30 bananas a day
* Anonymous profiles say "80/10/10 didn't work for me" then take a screenshot of their post and add it to sites that slander 30 bananas a day. (Very typical behaviour).
* They claim to have done "80/10/10 for a number of months or years and it didn't work" but only have just a few posts on their profile.
* They only joined within the few days to a few months and start posting about why 80/10/10 didn't work for them.
* The same paleo trolls create numerous anonymous profiles on other sites and invent detailed stories of how "30 bananas a day failed them" to fool onlookers into thinking they are genuine. To also try to climb to the top of the google rankings.
* They fall off the 30 bananas a day wagon and blame myself or Freelee for "ruining their life" even though we aren't their parents.
* They make comments on the forum like
"Actually, animal foods (as long as the animal isn't sick) can help you fight atherosclerosis and cholesterol." Basically they just spew the same soundbites you see all over the paleo primal low carb forums like 'oh my heart feels so healthy eating copious amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol!'
* They continually question the 30 Bananas a day recommendations and they have only being members for a short period of time.
* Their stories don't match up eg: they will do a video praising how good they feel and then turn around and say they actually felt bad. Were they lying then? Are they lying now. Its contradiction city! lol!
- Durianrider & Freelee