My journey through anorexia…

I have been exposed to people with anorexia from a very early age, I was about 10 years old when I first learnt what it was from a TV program. I was intrigued, saddened and inspired all at once. I had a good friend in high school who looked like a walking coat hanger. She was so frail and pedantic but I secretly wanted to be her. Once when she came over my place, she accidentally left a little note book which contained her meagre calorie count for the day. I remember it totalled about 500 calories. I later found out how serious her illness was when she was admitted to a “special” hospital.

My personal experience with anorexia came not too long after this. I had always been very concerned about what I looked like and what others thought about me, so much so that I would avoid many social engagements because I thought I was too fat (I was about 65kgs, quite muscular 5’6”, although this number fluctuated a lot). That was until I met my first real boyfriend when I was 17, I’ll call him John....Continue....

Part 2 now up...

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  • Thanks Freelee... I was really "craving" that 2nd part !
    I battle anorexia since I'm 14, I'm now 21...
    There's something you said about a member here :
    This helped give him the strength to drop his anorexic identity.
    I think that's a big issue... I use(d) to think that without that anorexic mind and behaviours, I'm nothing anymore... Identity is a BIG issue in my case I think... Because I live in that weak fragile, non-human like body for a long time, it feels like home even if this body doesn't allow me to do the things I would like to do... I just don't feel good enough to swim, to run, to run up and down the stairs like I was able to do... It is the part I miss the most... My strong healthier body.... I want to gain health !

    And about the "counting calories" it helps me a lot... Yes for me a big breakfast was a banana... I lost any sign of hunger of satiation... Everything, that I need a strong base that will give me the chance to heal my mind and body.

    In a world which worships the “Get your 2 fruits & 3 veg food pyramid” who else will provide this type of nutritional advice and support?
    Ahahaha !!! God !!!! everyone saw my decision to stop eating flesh (and then animal products) as a symptom of my "disease"... My family wish I would go to a treatment center where I would eat animals. Yeah right !

    I'm doing a lot better now ! I realized that I'm human and that a human body needs good nutrition to do the things it has to do (ok I know I sound really silly, but to me, for a long time, it seemed that a banana or to mandarins where enough, or that throwing upp my only meal of the day was good enough for me to survive)

    “change switch” within : I realized that was the only way to get better a year and a half ago (or 2 years !?!) when I watch thelivefoodist video on youtube... to me it seems to make a lot of since... that pasta or bread or pastry CAN't be fresh ! And this is the time I truly saw the "light" ; that I knew that it IS possible for me to get well !

    Thanks again Freelee ! You are beautiful inside out ! xxxxx
    You gave me the second kick I needed... I don't only see the light of recovery now.... I can almost touch it !
    • WHAT is the fixation with people thinking anorexics need meat? I"m and so sick of this. I am not wanting to be friends with people that push this on me. I want to be respected for my desire to not harm other creatures. I am tired of people treating me like an idiot because I have this problem.
  • Freelee - you are such a bright and guiding light! You rescued me from a high-fat forum, and here you are rescuing me again!

    I just posted on the fitness forum (the most amazing people over there) that I thought many 30 BaD wouldn't understand my binges, and many food addicts don't understand 80/10/10. I went to a food addicts meeting today; as nice as they were, they told me they couldn't help me unless I used their food plan (no thank you).

    Your story was shared so honestly. I haven't been anorexic, and not even bulemic (I wanted to be, I just couldn't make myself throw up). But there have been several times in my life that I've done a lot of binge eating. Same shame. It's just the flip side of the same coin - although perhaps with less drastic results.

    I really thought those binges were a thing of the past. I haven't dealt with it in such a long time. But on high-fat raw, I just kept those treats coming. I've been trying 80/10/10 since mid April, and haven't put together more than three weeks yet. I keep slipping off and eating/drinking the worst crap that I haven't had in years. I tried to find someone on the "instant" thing here once when I was in a bad way, but no one answered.

    I'm building my support network as best I can. I'm giving it all I've got now. I really want to put together 90 days (big in the AA - and my past - world) and see how I feel. I really feel 80/10/10 is for me. It's the lack of the GD fat and salt that keeps doing me in. And, this is the first time in my life food is sustenance only. Not that my problem surfaced constantly, but I had my "addiction" drip (rather than your fruit drip).

    Thanks so much for this! And here's what I liked best:

    I really feel we can do so much to help people with their disordered mindsets here. Im actually thinking of starting a category in the forum just based on disordered eating. I think it really could be a valuable place for people suffering needlessly.

    Oh, yeah! Thanks again for always showing up as my guardian fruit angel!
    • Oh, rainbow, I loved reading this post. I can relate to so much of what you said. I, too, am happy with the simplicity of fruit. Like you, I would make those high-fat raw treats. I may have been overeating them, I may not. But I know for sure my body hated them and showed me in many ways. Yet I felt better than I had on SAD, and I just didn't know what else was available.

      I'm feeling better now, as though I've turned some corner. But I would like the information for the online addiction forum. I want to make certain to shore myself up for any insanity that may strike me unsuspected.

      Thanks again!
    • Ravani, you aren't alone.
      I went to OA meetings and Greysheet meetings trying to find some help-maybe thats what you were referring to? It can be hard to not be able to find someone in the moment you need support.
      But, you have it here.
      • Thanks so much, Anastasia! This meeting was actually called "Food Addicts". They worked with the 12 steps. I don't know Greysheet, but FA is similar to OA.

        I've encountered so many people over this last 24 hours who have been kind enough to share their own food issues (including this forum). Once again, I'm not so unique. I'm feeling much better about it today. I've had to give up so many addictions, and now I'm in the phase of, oh yeah, here's one of those bitchy cravings. Just let it pass. I'm remembering other times and things I worked through, and it's not so hard right now. For the last two months, I thought if I had a craving, I had to succumb!

        Ah, freedom - at least in this moment!
  • WOW, I am doing so well, my drs want to put my story in a medical journal now. My therapist wants to be famous lol. I just smile all the time now, getting out, socializing, fruit makes me happy!
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