Last night after eating a massive meal of citrus (some of which was underripe) and grapes, a rather large bit of my molar broke off when I was brushing my teeth. Now there is a massive hole going down into my gum and even water on that spot hurts insanely bad. Have a dentist appt tomorrow. I did wait at least 1/2 hour after brushing and use a really good alkaline tooth powder without flouride-Uncle Harrys. I always brush really gentle so I really think it was the citrus. My gums are all quite recedded and have recently bled when I brushed my teeth also on several occasions. I was eating cooked food for quite awhile and only recently have been eating all raw for the past few days. Was tempted to go back to cooked food because my teeth have actually been worse since eating raw, but I would really like to eat all these grapes so is there any possible reason why I should avoid eating massive amounts of black grapes?
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Thanks a lot
I have very good success rinsing my mouth with xylitol after every meal.
Good luck!
I ll check it out, thanks a lot
I have heard of people chewing on wheat grass to help with there teeth. Its worth a try and its good for you.
Ok, thanks a lot