I made a dietary mistake last night and ate two avocados in a zucchini pasta. I know better. I've pretty much been off of all overts for about 2 months except for some durian 2 months ago and two times I ate about a spoonful of avocado.I know...it's only two avocados. No big deal right? Wrong. The whole episode was a bit of an emotional binge. For most people two avocados is nothing, heck even for me compared to what I used to eat. Part of the reason why I went for that avo was because I'm recovering from a seriously hard training block and didn't eat enough calories from sweet fruit for the day. I was trying not to psych myself out about it after eating them and accepting that I made the choice and that my body will digest them just fine. Unfortunately I felt breathless all night and today, and had a horrible sleep. I even got all spacey after eating some melon this morning and needed a nap. The melons have now gone through my system so quickly and jammed up with all of the fats and I'm getting some stomach discomfort and very odd tasting burps coming up. Bleh.Is this the true wisdom of my body speaking up, or have I sensitized my digestive system so much that I can't even eat an avocado anymore without suffering. I know the answer, it's my body wisdom, but I'll admit that the doubts creep into my head as wrong as I know they are.I used to be able to eat poorly combined whole vegan cooked foods and feel fine. The more raw my diet became the less I could handle poor combining, fats, and cooked. I used to eat an entire bowl of spicy guacamole made with 4 or more avocados and be able to go running later on that evening without noticing any discomfort. Now I can't even handle a grain of salt, a sniff of onion or garlic or spice, or much more than a drop of fat.I'm committing to myself from here in. I've learned my lesson the hard way for the last time. No more than a quarter avocado is more than I can handle, and my body simply wont digest seeds anymore. I'm allergic to nuts so I've never had to deal with eating them. On a no overts diet I feel great all the time, and don't even crave fats.I've called it quits early on eating for the day. I didn't consume nearly enough calories but my body just needs a break. Hopefully everything will be back to normal tomorrow.
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It's certainly been a reality check. It's so easy to forget how bad one can feel from just a little slip up when you've been in the flow for quite a while.
Much weight off of my shoulders. Thanks RGG. I'm feeling so much better today. My digestion might be slowed up for another day or so, but I'm back to my fruity juicy self and ready to get back to hardcore training.
It's a good thing when these experiences happen. We just have to learn from them. I learned the same way with cooked. Just couldn't handle feeling like shit anymore after eating it. As our diets evolve closer and closer to our species specific diet, we can hear mother natures warnings much louder and clearer when we go off course.
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It's a good thing when these experiences happen. We just have to learn from them. I learned the same way with cooked. Just couldn't handle feeling like shit anymore after eating it. As our diets evolve closer and closer to our species specific diet, we can hear mother natures warnings much louder and clearer when we go off course.