I asked someone on here who said he supplemented with injectable B12 and it was $150 for a three month supply. From what I gather (DR), injecting is the only way to be really sure you are getting the absorbable part of the B12 actually being absorbed. I take a sublingual but in the back of my mind, I'm wondering if it's doing anything at all. Tested low on B12, am getting retested soon to see if my levels have changed at all, but am wondering what everyone else thinks. Thanks!
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I got confused when I went and had the test done and wasn't sure which test they offered. I don't feel deficient but the worry caused by thinking I am is bad enough. I just couldn't figure out if the $600 was the only sure-fire way to make sure I am up to healthy levels- maybe I feel deficient and just don't know it. Thought about doing the injectables once a year for three months or maybe every other month? Thoughts? Again, thanks for your help.