So whilst I was struggling with weight-gain a while ago, my weight is now going down pretty fast. I increased my sleep but changed nothing else and I think that that was responsible.
Anyway, my question is this:
I have 6 hours a week to dedicate to serious exercise. In addition to that, I walk to college 5 days a week, which means spend about 80 mins each day walking fast with a rucksack. At the moment I spend 3 of my 6 hours doing cardio which really makes me sweat, and the other 3 lifting weights, but I enjoy lifting so much that I'd much rather lift heavy weights for an hour or so a day five days a week and keep the cycling/running to one day. I've done this before on other diets and didn't feel sore or like I was overdoing things so I assume that will be even less of a concern now because my recovery is the best it's even been since going vegan. What I'd like your input on is whether lifting instead of cardio will lead to storing excess bodyfat, or in other words whether exercising like this will fail to keep a person lean on this diet - how much time do I have to devote to endurance activity?
Thanks in advance to everyone who answers! :)
Nothing wrong with weight lifting, I used to weight lift. It's perfectly fine, even for weight loss.
If you enjoy it more than running/cycling, by all means go lift over running/cycling.
Cardio is great for your overall health, so do try to get some sessions in, but overall go lift weights for the most part.
You can either do long or intense, but you can't do long and intense. So you can have your work outs at 1:30 or :45 minutes.
If you have 6 hours a week for serious exercise, I would do 5-1 or 4-2. Weight lifting - Cyc/Run.
However it may not be necessary because you say you walk 80 minutes a day with a rucksack, so I would say this is fine for. At the very most 5-1 ratio.