Is this normal?

This isn't so much off topic but I'm not so sure where else to put it. I went to my family's home last night and they were cooking dinner. I haven't been over there since going vegan. I actually haven't been around meat at all since going vegan. I didn't eat there, I ate before I went, I just wanted to see them and hang out. So anyway, the smell of the meat was very foul to me and made me sick to my stomach. I actually asked my mom if it was just me or if the meat smelled bad. I told her that I didn't think that she should eat it. She smelled it and said that it smelled just fine. Are my senses changing because I haven't had animal products in awhile? Did other people experience this too? It makes sense that my body would start to change and learn to adapt to what it's not supposed to eat. I mean the reasoning behind why this could be, totally makes sense to me, I just don't know if I'm crazy lol. I'm also sorry for talking about this, I'm not condoning the consumption of animal products at all. I'm 100% vegan.  

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  • i noticed this about me too O_O

  • Yes! The scent of cooking meat is repulsive.

  • You are now eating real food. So, anything that isn't real food doesn't smell like food.

    I have to powerwalk through the baked goods section of the supermarket holding my breath, because the smell of the baking bread makes me want to hurl.

    And, yes, the meat just smells like rancid blood.

  • I've gotten lucky in the fact that my man has been eating fast food since I changed my diet but I know that it's just a matter of time before he expects me to cook for him again. I don't look forward to having to cook me for him. Maybe I'll make him cook it himself. 

  • I get grossed out at the smell & sight of meat & dairy & eggs. It's annoying, because when I babysit I have to prepare just those very same foods for the children, as according to their mother's rules. I feel so bad that they are growing up on that crap.

  • I think that this is normal. My husband and daughter are still SAD, and so I have to cook (or otherwise prepare) both [raw] vegan and carnivorous meals at the same time. Makes me want to gag.

    The new rule in our new house is that I will prepare veggies and even dairy based side dishes for them in the kitchhen, but all meat must be cooked out in HIS grill and no more meat in MY new oven or on my stove. Several times I actually decided to just skip my own dinner after smelling the meat smells.

    Used to be able to Foreman grill simple chicken kabobs on my counter top, so at least the meat juices and fats didn't stick to the oven walls, but after last time I may just find my Foreman "somehow broken, so sorry, go grill it instead" :-).

  • And you know another thing is that I still am finding myself feeling guilty or ashamed for talking about this topic on this forum. Like talking about our past meat eating habits is shameful or something but I know that it's not and we need to talk about it. It's educational and it's empowering, at least for me it is. It reminds me that I'm making a real choice to not eat another living creature. I like the reminder that this topic has brought about and I'm glad that other could share in it as well. 

  • OHHH I can't. I just found out 2 weeks ago that I'm terribly allergic to eggplant. I almost ended up in the hospital. It was so horrible. I don't crave bacon anyway, I just like the smell, or at least I think that I still do lol. 

    I smelled meat again tonight and yep, same thing, it smelled horrible. I'm glad about it. It's nice to know that my body will tell me what not to eat. I just wish that it would have told me not to eat that eggplant lol. 

  • Hmm, I must be a vegan vampire, I still think it smells good. Honestly maybe it's all the seasonings used but I think BBQ dead animal flesh smells good, I've been 100% vegan for almost one year. With zero thoughts of ever going back! It does kind of gross me out to see the raw flesh and see people eating it, they seem like beasts not humans, stuffing their faces with cooked animal body parts!

  • Dennis, I agree. Bacon still smells good and I wish that it didn't. Maybe it's just one of those things that will never change. Danny I'm glad to hear that you're getting your family to try new things and that they are actually enjoying them. That's a step in the right direction. 

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